Author Topic: Post xmas loot  (Read 13039 times)

What did you get for christmas?

- No game no life vol.4
- seraph of the end vol. 1 & 2
- €400 (wich will all go into savings except like 50 euros for steam)

Stuff I gifted:
- Something for mom wich my sister bought but I gave some money
- Something for dad wich my sister bought but I gave some money
- Something for my stepmom wich my sister bought but I gave some money
- Payday 2 goty for my friend
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 12:39:34 PM by espio100 »

I didn't really get anything, but some of my friends got some games which we'll probably be able to play together

gpu and money, which i'll waste on hearthstone/steam

A graphics card, 80 dollars on steam and smaller things my parents bought that I have no idea about yet.

brother it ain't even christmas in america yet (where it matters)

- an extremely cheap tool set that i'll never use (mom got me it so i would stay out of her tools but i don't do that in the first place)
- $40

i'll find out in a few minutes but i don't care too much about what i get it's fun anyway

brother it ain't even christmas in america yet (where it matters)


i got a flashlight hat for trespassing at night

pens and ink

also some new headphones because my old ones were four years old and falling apart

If you ask me why I got the Uptempo 2's instead of the space jams, I already have the 72-10s that are almost the same as the space jams. Therefore if I got the space jams, there is no varriation in my shoes. Also Idk why the uptempo 2's get so much hate, they're a fire and amazingly comfortable shoe

it's not even post xmas