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Author Topic: question - should the furry thread be deleted  (Read 21037 times)

Limerick has been known to spew stuff, I'm suprised he hasn't been banned sooner.

how you manage to be such a loving friend in less than 10 characters amazes me

User was banned for this post

Anti-furs have proven themselves to be more autistic than the average furry

i still have a lot of trouble understanding the idea of devoting time to hating incredibly broad swaths of things or people when you could be doing literally anything else that won't make you and people around you unhappy. i don't see the benefit

if you're joking, you should be able to recognize that it becomes way too far when everyone else understands it as harassment and yet you still continue to batter people

i mean banter is a thing

Weird research and degenerate garbage is an internet thing in general, you find it in the underbelly of pretty much any fandom. It just seems more prominent with furries because the furry fandom has a weird loveual undertone for some reason.
well of course, i'm sure there's degeneracy in my favorite media's communities too

but the problem is like you said, it's way more prominent with furries than with most other communities

same kind of thing with deviantart, the website itself isn't bad and there is definitely good art on it, but the trash is way more prominent than the gold so it's mostly associated with the trash

i duno man i've known a lot of furries and none of them are bad for any reason related to being a furry

i duno man i've known a lot of furries and none of them are bad for any reason related to being a furry
never said every furry is bad because they're a furry, and i never said the idea of BEING a furry is bad

i said it's strange and weird to say you're a dog-man (at least to an average person) but it's not like you're a bad person for doing so

three of my best friends became furries, and somehow i seem to talk to a lot of people the end up being furries, so it's not like i personally care whether they're a furry or not, i only care about how the person acts

ofc i don't like people that feel the need to make it known "I'M A FURRY DEAL WITH !!!" when i just want to play a video game or something but i don't like anyone who acts like they're special and deserve attention for being part of a community as it is

what "reputable sources" that an average person follows have explained what a furry is

the last news station i've seen even acknowledge the existence of furries was fox and that was only because two furries killed two other furries
There's been all sorts of news stories throughout the past few years. The key phrase here is "that I've seen"
Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. Also I should mention that when I say "reputable source" what I mean is they're informative sources,  not an entertainment show like CSI

the reason most people don't like furries is because they are pretending to be animal people and that is - obviously - strange
Yes, it is strange. Most furries will freely admit that.
But again, strange isn't a reason to throw the amount of hate that some people do.
There's all sorts of people that like all sorts of strange things. But I never feel the need to go out of my way to bother them for it

trying to say the reason people hate furries is because they just want to hate something / are a troll is beyond dumb
I said most people, not all.
All you need to do is look at this thread.
You're the only person to actually attempt to communicate. Everyone else just says "lmao stop" "you're embarrassing"
I respond to an outdated Badspot quote with nothing more than more recent Badspot quotes, and all I get is "yiff in hell"

it's almost as if near a convention specifically for furries there's going to be positive interaction between furries and regular people, just like at any convention or big event. why would people who hate furries be anywhere near a convention where there's going to be tons of furries? unless they're planning to drop a chlorine bomb i don't see any reason why they'd stop there
You know conventions aren't just in the middle of nowhere, right? They're in the middle of major cities, with all sorts of businesses and businesspeople all over the place. And convention attendees don't just stay in the hotel the whole time, they wander the city.
The hotel also isn't there exclusively for the convention, either. There's always people there for business trips and such, and they're very easy to identify: formal clothing and a facial expression of confused amusement

regular people aren't going to cause problems because regular people don't go in public to shout at other people and generally be an starfish

obviously i didn't walk up to them and be a rooster, instead i went down a different walkway nearby

because y'know, instead of starting conflict i did something easier. like most regular people would decide to do.
See, this is my point exactly. Nobody expects you to like everything, or even to not find it weird. But constantly starting conflicts over it doesn't help anyone

do you wonder why a pet store and zoo might love having people dressed as animals come to their stores and give them money, and then stick around to promote said pet store and zoo so other people give them money?

it's almost like it's helping the pet store and zoo - places about animals - to have people dressed as animals come down and promote them. crazy, right?
It's not just "here's your spot, go do your thing and give us money"
The employees are going out of their way to go to us, interact/dance/generally have fun with us

has it ever crossed your mind that, just possibly, these people DON'T know anything about furries, just the name, and the fact they dress up as animal people?
i doubt most of the people that say "hell yeah furries" don't realize how much research and degeneracy comes out of the community
I'm sure there's some, but there's plenty of people who DO fully know what furries are and still don't care

but it's undeniable that a whole lot of research and weird garbage comes from the general furry community. the stereotype of furries being research-buying weirdos didn't form out of thin air

fun fact if you look up tony the tiger you get research. softcore and hardcore research. for a cereal box mascot. i could've just said that since it proves my point that furries are weird instead of making this gigantic post
As Ike said, this isn't specific to furries, it's a fandom thing in general. Look at anime. You're probably going to encounter the same issue if you image search an anime character. There's all sorts of weirdness, like anime girl body pillows. I have many friends into anime, and their more outspoken about their hentai interests than than any of my furry friends are.

And yet nobody goes around complaining about anime fans. You get the occasional "lol weebs" here and there, but not to the extent of furry.

see below for the convention hotel people
I'm not sure what I'm looking for

i had to go on furaffinity to find a reference for aforementioned christmas present and there was a "species" tag. now i don't know about you but i think if the biggest furry website has an option to say "i'm a dog-man" and then most people use the option to call themselves a dog-man, that a lot of furries actually think they're a dog-man.
Why would a website dedicated to pictures of animals not have an option to filter by species?
If you're uploading a picture of a dog, why would you not tag it as "this is a picture of a dog!"
And how are your misunderstanding the point of a tag system this badly?
It's not about saying "this is what I am"
It's about maximizing your audience, about helping people looking for pictures off dogs to find your picture by saying "hey, here's a picture of a dog"

well of course, i'm sure there's degeneracy in my favorite media's communities too

but the problem is like you said, it's way more prominent with furries than with most other communities
Can you provide some sort of numbers to back this up? Or is this just confirmation bias? Because in my experience, it's been the other way around, e.g. my hentai friends more open than my furry friends
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying it is or isn't. I'm legitimately interested in seeing a way to quantify this.

i said it's strange and weird to say you're a dog-man (at least to an average person) but it's not like you're a bad person for doing so

ofc i don't like people that feel the need to make it known "I'M A FURRY DEAL WITH !!!" when i just want to play a video game or something but i don't like anyone who acts like they're special and deserve attention for being part of a community as it is
Nobody is disagreeing with you on this. We're just saying that the former doesn't warrant hatred
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 02:55:18 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

I don't give a forget about the furry thread. im not a furry, but the thread doesn't really bother me.

I don't give a forget about the furry thread. im not a furry, but the thread doesn't really bother me.
p. much this

I don't give a forget about the furry thread. im not a furry, but the thread doesn't really bother me.
Idealistic, but not for the part of the forum that likes stuffting on anything related to a fandom.

There's been all sorts of news stories throughout the past few years. The key phrase here is "that I've seen"
Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. Also I should mention that when I say "reputable source" what I mean is they're informative sources,  not an entertainment show like CSI
fox is a news source

out of every news source i follow i generally do not see anything about furries unless it's actually important, as the homicide was

obviously this is skewed and it could just be that i happen to follow news sources that don't talk about furries, but you can't rule out the possibility of vice-versa, you could just happen to follow news sources that talk about furries much more often than other sources

Yes, it is strange. Most furries will freely admit that.
But again, strange isn't a reason to throw the amount of hate that some people do.
There's all sorts of people that like all sorts of strange things. But I never feel the need to go out of my way to bother them for it
i don't recall any furry i know saying it's strange

and strange / weird / different shouldn't warrant hatred, but obviously it does.

but this doesn't mean that every furry is only hated because of them being different. a lot of them are degenerates and create "works of art" that are just disgusting to a normal person, which of course can be said about a lot of communities, even blockland. remember those research models i made a post about a year or so ago?

I said most people, not all.
All you need to do is look at this thread.
You're the only person to actually attempt to communicate. Everyone else just says "lmao stop" "you're embarrassing"
I respond to an outdated Badspot quote with nothing more than more recent Badspot quotes, and all I get is "yiff in hell"
you said most regular people don't care, this is what you said about people that hate furries
These days, your average person who hates them are denizens of the internet hiding behind anonymity; either trolls, or the type of people who just have to have something to hate.
most was not included

the forums are definitely a mean place which is why you get met with "stop" rather than an actual discussion most of the time. either they don't want to explain why they don't like furries because they think it's wasted effort, they simply don't like furries, or don't like specific furries

You know conventions aren't just in the middle of nowhere, right? They're in the middle of major cities, with all sorts of businesses and businesspeople all over the place. And convention attendees don't just stay in the hotel the whole time, they wander the city.
The hotel also isn't there exclusively for the convention, either. There's always people there for business trips and such, and they're very easy to identify: formal clothing and a facial expression of confused amusement
i understand where conventions are at, i've been to a few gun shows, outdoor conventions, etc, at a fairly large expo center. my point is why would someone stop at the center if they don't like furries? if someone is on their way to a business or something of the sort, i doubt they're going to stop walking / riding their bike or park their car to go check out a bunch of people they don't like

the ONLY reason i can see someone who doesn't like furries stopping at a furry convention is because they're either recording it to make some silly video on why they don't like furries, are there simply to harass furries, or are just interested and would rather learn more, but i highly doubt the latter

It's not just "here's your spot, go do your thing and give us money"
The employees are going out of their way to go to us, interact/dance/generally have fun with us

i didn't assume they just told you to stand around

but my point is even if you're not a furry or in some strange get-up, they would still interact with you since you're being nice and helping out, especially if you're recognized as someone who comes around often
I'm sure there's some, but there's plenty of people who DO fully know what furries are and still don't care

and those people obviously don't hate furries or disregard odd part of the furry community as a few "bad apples"

but i can already tell you a great big majority of people in cities have no idea what a furry is and just think they're basically animal people, not anything more. that's what i thought furries were for awhile
As Ike said, this isn't specific to furries, it's a fandom thing in general. Look at anime. You're probably going to encounter the same issue if you image search an anime character. There's all sorts of weirdness, like anime girl body pillows. I have many friends into anime, and their more outspoken about their hentai interests than than any of my furry friends are.

And yet nobody goes around complaining about anime fans. You get the occasional "lol weebs" here and there, but not to the extent of furry.
speed grapher is probably my favorite anime and has some pretty heavily loveual themes, so i decided to take you up on that

out of the main cast (tatsumi saiga, kagura tennouzu, hibari ginza, chouji suitengu and shinsen tennouzu), there was a single loveual picture and it was of an actual scene in the show

keep in mind the tony the tiger research is on the second row of images in a google search, so i'm only looking at the first four rows.

maybe not on this forum, but anime fans definitely get flak and hated. not to the extent of a furry, you're right, but it's because one is a person who watches cartoons, and the other is someone who calls themself a dog-man

Why would a website dedicated to pictures of animals not have an option to filter by species?
If you're uploading a picture of a dog, why would you not tag it as "this is a picture of a dog!"
And how are your misunderstanding the point of a tag system this badly?
It's not about saying "this is what I am"
It's about maximizing your audience, about helping people looking for pictures off dogs to find your picture by saying "hey, here's a picture of a dog"
i'm talking about the tag you can put on your profile specifically for telling people what you are, not on the pictures themselves

guess i should've been more clear about that

Can you provide some sort of numbers to back this up? Or is this just confirmation bias? Because in my experience, it's been the other way around, e.g. my hentai friends more open than my furry friends
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying it is or isn't. I'm legitimately interested in seeing a way to quantify this.
i'm not sure you can back up something like "x being more prominent than y in this community" with actual numbers, unless you actively watch a huge group of furries that are generally different and try and tie together what they seem to be interested in the most

obviously i haven't gone to an extent like that nor do i think i ever would, and obviously even if you pooled together a thousand furries that are all different from one another, you wouldn't get what every furry is interested in. you'd just get what that pool of furries seems to care the most about

but again, it's the same reason why deviantart seems to have the general consensus that the place is full of garbage: it just happens to be more prominent. i'm not sure how or why, but it's just how it seems to be.