MicroKingdoms — A Strategic Nation RP — Turn 18


Walled Capital CPU cap

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3 (33.3%)
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5 (55.6%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: MicroKingdoms — A Strategic Nation RP — Turn 18  (Read 14521 times)

A strategic, tile & turn-based medieval nation RP.

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Current Nations

     What is MicroKingdoms?  It is, simply put, a watered-down turn&tile-based Nation RP that centers around the growth of kingdoms.  Each player can have their own kingdom or allow other players to join them.  If you have not played a Nation RP before, this is a great place to start.  Find out how to play HERE.


Land Types

      Within a turn, you have a number of actions that is dictated by the amount of population or number of military groups you have.  You will notice on the map that it is built of many amorphous tiles.  Population is counted within each of these tiles, which might be similar in nature to counties.  If you have 6 population in a tile, then you can make 6 civilian-type moves there.  Remember that with every move you make, you consume 1 food in the process, civilian and military alike.  Pretty simple, right?  Regarding moving on water, you must begin on a tile adjacent to the water in order to embark on boats.  Valid navigation only includes water from the fork of the river and out to sea.  Once you get on the water, you can navigate anywhere within the navigable water zones within one turn, and then may land units in the following turn.  All-in-all, it requires three turns to move over water.

      Under a certain set of conditions, nations become eligible for population growth.

      There are three resources: Food, Stone, and Metal.  Food is used to feed and sustain a population.  Stone is used to build and expand.  Metal is used to equip armies.  Additionally, there are four tile types.  You will notice in the Land Types Map that there is green, yellow, brown, and dark teal.  Green is fertile land; it has great food production and poor mineral production, [Avg|4:2:1].  Yellow is highlands or mixed land; it yields moderately in all areas [Avg|2:3:2].  Brown is mountainous land; it is rich in mineral deposits, but yields hardly any food [Avg|1:3:3].  Dark Teal land is swamp/wetlands.  It is very poor land, and cannot be worked unless drained and damed; before draining [Avg|1:1:1], after draining, it will turn into fertile land.  Why is each type averaged?  Each time a harvest is done, a roll takes place to see if your gathering is more abundant or more scarce.

     Cities are population centers within a tile, and allow production to occur within that tile.  There are three tiers of city:
   Capital:  The Capital is your main city and the seat of power.  When you begin, you begin with your capital, which starts with 2 population.  If you lose this without having another walled city, you lose.  When you lose this, the nearest walled city to your former capital becomes your new capital.  Moving your capital voluntarily is costly, and requires 6 Food, 10 Stone, and 4 Metal.  Population is capped at 8, and 10 for walled capitals.
   Walled City:  A Walled City is a fortified city that can strengthen fronts and battlegroups as well as be able to defend against siege attacks.  Population is capped at 6.
   City:  A City is the basic settlement type.  It has minimal defenses, and thus is weak to siege attacks.  Population is capped at 6.
Note that cities can be built in swamp tiles, but cannot exceed a population of 3.

In order to settle a new tile, you need to have a city of 3 population (pop) minimum.  When you settle this city, the city of choice with over 3 pop loses 1 pop as this group of people migrates.  If you so choose, any other adjacent city with 3 population or more can provide another population point for the new city.

      Wars are fought purely using soldiers.  There are three sizes of battlegroups:
   Platoon:  The Platoon is the smallest group of soldiers.  It is capable of moving more quickly than the other two battlegroups, but capable of dealing the least damage.  Thus, it is good at interception and harassment, but not defense or siege.
   Regiment:  The Regiment is the moderate-size group of soldiers.  It moves at average speed and can inflict moderate damage.  It is suited for any situation, but not specialized in any one way.  You can also merge two platoons to create a regiment.
   Division:  The Division is the largest battlegroup.  It moves at average to slow speed and can deal heavy damage.  It is best suited for siege and defense, but not stealth or interception.  You can also create a division by merging two regiments, a regiment and two platoons, or four platoons.
Battlegroups can be arranged to form fronts, meaning that if you can draw a line between them within a tile, no enemy battlegroups can cross that line without having to enter combat.  If you have a military unit in an adjacent tile, the line continues to that unit as well.  Note that in order to form fronts, units cannot be spaced too far apart and you need a minimum of two units per tile to form a front.  If the tile includes a fortified city belonging to either yourself, a vassal, or an ally, the front is strengthened.

Trade & Diplomacy
      Simple exchange of resources; if you have it, it trades.  I won't be so petty as to micromanage that you can only have a certain number of envoys active and working, how fast they go, etc.  You can decide what connections you want, and what wars you wage.

Land Claiming
If you place your units on a tile, you can claim the tile as long as the tile is adjacent to a city that you own, or a vassal city that you oversee.  (Adjacent meaning the tile shares a side with the target tile.  No corner-claiming.)  If your units leave the area and there is no city there, anyone can claim it, so if you want to keep it, you must defend it.  Note that claimed land that does not have a city on it cannot be worked.

      Fill out one of the applications below, replacing tagged areas with information, for example: [NATION_NAME] becomes England.  You can add any additional information, but please include what information is already listed here.  Additionally, remove any *(information) sections after following their instructions.

Code: (Nation Application) [Select]

[img width=800][FLAG_IMAGE_URL][/img][/center]

[b]Government Type:  [/b][GOVERNMENT_TYPE]
[b]Capital:  [/b][CAPITAL_CITY]
[b]Leader Name:  [/b][LEADER_NAME]
[b]Vassals:  [/b][VASSALS]
[b]Color:  [/b][color=#[HEX_CODE]]███[/color] *(Do not choose a color that is greyscale, very close to greyscale, near black, or near white.)
[b]Starting Location:  [/b][img height=60][STARTING_LOCATION][/img] *(Indicate your starting tile and capital location.  Remove this section if/when you are accepted to the RP.)

Code: (Vassal Application) [Select]

[b]Parent Kingdom:  [/b][PARENT_KINGDOM] *(Choose an existing kingdom.)
[b]Leader Name:  [/b][LEADER_NAME]
[b]Vassal City:  [/b][VASSAL_CITY] *(Choose which city your vassal exists in within your parent kingdom. This will be your designated tile.)

1.    Be sportsmanlike.
2.    Respect staff.  They're here to make the game work.
3.    Do not fudge numbers.  We keep record of them.
4.    Population cannot be relocated manually.
5.    Do not use the names of real-life historical nations, regions, people, etc.
6.    Unique actions that are not described in the OP or Actions Index are accessory.  They take the role of flavor text, and do not affect the strategic outcome of the game.
7.    Nations that just join the game are Mandated Non-Aggresor Parties, or MNAPs for two turns, that is, the turn in which they join and the following turn.  MNAPs cannot attack other nations and vassals during this time, and cannot be attacked.
8.    If you do not specify an action fully (such as naming a city and choosing where it goes or choosing which of multiple unspecified tiles to settle), moderators will update with a position that they choose.

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« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:54:29 PM by Chapter »

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For those who are also into brown townytics but want a simplified version of the production counter, I made a chart for you.

*If you find your nation starving, you must overcome the deficit by the next turn or else each city will lose 1 population.

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« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 09:00:50 AM by Chapter »

T h e   K i n g d o m   o f   D o r o v a n

S a n c t u s   I m p e r i u m   S e m p i t e r n u m
P y h ä   I k u i n e n   V a l t a

Government Type:  Feudal Kingdom
Walled Capital:  Tassef
Walled Cities:  Jastaal, Konnevik
Cities:  Öthanskål, Alklyevik, Astelborg, Hohenheim, Ithenpere, Otka
Demonym:  Dorovian
Leader Name:  Oaván I  (Oaván the Gentile)
Leader Heraldry:  Jokinen
Vassals:  none
Color:  ███
Language:  Sami
State Religion:  Catholicism
Minor Religions:  Pantheonic Shamanism
Model Culture:  Sami/Norwegian
Allies:  none
Embargoed:  none
Enemies:  none

Trade Deals:



Dorovan is a nation that was formed of two small feuding kingdoms that ultimately resulted in dominance of House Jokinen, a powerful family that resided by the river.  Now, the people are at peace, and have enjoyed a peaceful period rich with expansion and settling of plains and trade with its neighbors.

Turn 1:  Santen I begins to rule over Dorovan with a noble, guided hand.
Turn 11:  Santen I dies at an old age of 73, leaving his kingdom to his son, First Prince Oaván of Dorovan.
Dorovan draws the interest of Florelan missionaries.  By request of Florelan clerical dignitaries, Oaván I allows missionaries into Dorovan to spread their gospel.
Turn 13:  After several years of mass Christianization, around half of the population have turned to Catholicism, including Oaván I, king over Dorovan, the royal family, and much of his court.  However, reactionaries push against the incoming Catholicism and some of the more violent adherents attack missionaries both Florelan and Dorovian.  King Oaván I sends peacekeeping forces out to contain conflicts and to try to scale them down as much as possible.

1st  Garrisoned at Tassef.
2nd  Garrisoned at Jastaal.
3rd  Garrisoned at Konnevik.
1st  Garrisoned at Öthanskål.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 01:52:54 PM by SWAT One »


Flags are foreign to this culture
General Info
Government Type:  Peculiar Republic
Capital:  Kogantôsed
Leader Name:   Triarchal Crown
Vassals:   None
Color:  ███

Triarchal Crown
Ilidsital: Eseshid Ilid
Ilidem: Dákaban Ilid
Asmel: House Limul

Asmel Zaluds and Tekkuds
Zalud (5) - House Limul - votes Limul
Zalud (3) - House Ucat - votes Ucat
Zalud (1) - House Tekkud - votes Tekkud
Zalud (0) - House Otin - votes Ucat
Zalud (0) - House Thash - votes Ucat
Tekkud: Ilid Dynasty - votes Limul
Tekkud: Udos Dynasty - votes Limul
Tekkud: Umid Dynasty - votes Limul
Tekkud: Thatthil Dynasty - votes Limul

Language: Talul
Religion: Various pantheons; no formal acknowledgment of a state religion
Model Culture: Dorfs

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 02:40:52 PM by Juncoph »

Dorovan reaches out to Igërastel and conveys its kind intentions by sending three barrels of fine mead.


Government Type:  Feudal Kingdom
Capital:  Tebron
The city of Tebron is a place of love, romance, and culture. From the (locally) famous Jeau-Dennian Amphitheater to neatly and pleasantly walled and groomed vineyards, it is a place for a pretty view of land and women alike.

Leader Name:   Mathys I
Vassals:   None
Color:  ███
Starting Location:  

Language: French
Religion: Catholic Christianity
Historical Model Culture: France, Spain, Portugal.
Fictional Model Culture: Duchy of Toussaint, Nilfgaardian Empire.

Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A


Dorovan reaches out to Igërastel and conveys its kind intentions by sending three barrels of fine mead.

the gift is met with a warm response, as the gift's kindness is returned in the form of a royal thoroughbred


Government Type:  Merchant Republic
Capital:  Nieuwehaven
This greatly-sized, well-populated city on the edge of the land is best known as a center of science and learning.  The majority of its inhabitants are involved in trading, and it is considerably noticeable for it's for it's local college.

Leader Name:  Stadholder Martijn Lucas
Vassals:  N/A (none)
Color:  ███

Language:  Frisian
Religion:  Catholic Chrisianity (minorities being Germanic and Celtic Paganism)
Model Culture:  Dutch, French, Germanic

« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 12:36:28 AM by mattsos »

Everyone who has applied so far has been accepted.  I made updates and fixes to the map.  The first turn should begin sometime tomorrow.

the gift is met with a warm response, as the gift's kindness is returned in the form of a royal thoroughbred
The gift is happily and thankfully received.

Boats are sent downriver to try and discover more nations of note.  Additionally, scouts are sent inland and upriver to seek out other nations.  When the boats arrive at Florela's shores, they begin to unload some packages and barrels, as well as a few oxen.  The locals report the events to their officials, and news spreads quickly.  The Dorovian envoy attempts to make contact.

Kiesterzijl levies a platoon to garrison Nieuwehaven and it's local province, combining the two platoons into a regiment garrison.

Just for clarification, are you creating a new Platoon?

The gift is happily and thankfully received.

Boats are sent downriver to try and discover more nations of note.  Additionally, scouts are sent inland and upriver to seek out other nations.  When the boats arrive at Florela's shores, they begin to unload some packages and barrels, as well as a few oxen.  The locals report the events to their officials, and news spreads quickly.  The Dorovian envoy attempts to make contact.

When the news of foreign men offloading things onto their coast arrives to the capitol, horseback scouts are sent out to survey the situation. Initially, the scouts watch and document from a distance before riding back, always moving out and away from interaction before finally a delegation comes along, and diplomatic contact is attempted.

The language barrier is a difficulty, but the intentions are obvious- and eventually gifts of their own are brought for their visitors. Several casks of aged wine, some cheese wheels, and a excessively colorful helmet of gold and steel plates, with teal, red, and purple feathers forming a plume- carefully and lovingly etched with floral patterns along the helmet.

A few Florelan scholarly types also seem very keen with going back with the Dorovanian, as well as a particularly overweight man with a twirly mustache and pompous clothes.

With all of this happening, Florela conscripts a new Platoon from Tebran conscripts, and prepares them to head and annex the province to the east.

When the news of foreign men offloading things onto their coast arrives to the capitol, horseback scouts are sent out to survey the situation. Initially, the scouts watch and document from a distance before riding back, always moving out and away from interaction before finally a delegation comes along, and diplomatic contact is attempted.

The language barrier is a difficulty, but the intentions are obvious- and eventually gifts of their own are brought for their visitors. Several casks of aged wine, some cheese wheels, and a excessively colorful helmet of gold and steel plates, with teal, red, and purple feathers forming a plume- carefully and lovingly etched with floral patterns along the helmet.

A few Florelan scholarly types also seem very keen with going back with the Dorovanian, as well as a particularly overweight man with a twirly mustache and pompous clothes.

With all of this happening, Florela conscripts a new Platoon from Tebran conscripts, and prepares them to head and annex the province to the east.
The Dorovian delegation receives the gifts with grace, bowing with respect to the deliverers of such a bounty, and in turn offers up what they brought with them—Six prime oxen, right for the ploughing of fields, and samples of varieties of wood and powder, which first confuses the contacts, but then, upon producing carefully cured meats and fish and a flurry of words, motions and pointing, demonstrates that the varieties of wood and spices presented are prime for smoking and curing meats, the samples of which are left with the men.  The Dorovian delegation also procures a small ceramic container filled with a vibrant red dye, and two barrels of fine mead.

A few in number among the company are linguistic scholars, and they begin to communicate immediately with the Florelan scholars.

The men eye the overweight man suspiciously, as a fleeting grin gives them a bit of worry, but nevertheless allow him to go along.  They remark to each other in their language that they are glad that they have unloaded the oxen first.

Noticing that the sun is setting, they ask for the privilege to stay in their midst for the night, then depart the following morning.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 02:15:22 AM by SWAT One »

Poll added; please vote.