Author Topic: NEWS - Republicans are attempting to pass a bill an extreme anti-protest bill  (Read 13203 times)

Not when they're blocking public roads that the following use:
Fire trucks
(Potential) Military
Construction workers
Anyone who really does work on major roads
Honestly you strain of liberals are the tumor on human society making most countries hate us. I know whining about it on this small forum won't do stuff, but at least I'm not potentially stopping an ambulance dead in its tracks because of it.
yeah but using lethal force instead of like, rubber bullets or riot gear is somehow an even worse alternative, believe it or not

yeah but using lethal force instead of like, rubber bullets or riot gear is somehow an even worse alternative, believe it or not
Point taken. I am probably being too extreme right now

Honestly you strain of liberals are the tumor on human society making most countries hate us.
evidence that shows 'most countries hate us' because of us 'liberals' ?

I know whining about it on this small forum won't do stuff, but at least I'm not potentially stopping an ambulance dead in its tracks because of it.
The ambulance can just run them over if it's in an emergency

If I saw protestors blocking a higway, I'd just slam into them and use an alter-ego defense of ambulance victims in court. Giving dissidents of the state "human rights" was a bad idea from the start tbh.

If I saw protestors blocking a higway, I'd just slam into them and use an alter-ego defense of ambulance victims in court.
that awkward moment when u think u won't be punished for second-degree murder

that awkward moment when u think u won't be punished for second-degree murder

That awkward moment when I haven't been because of my white privilege

evidence that shows 'most countries hate us' because of us 'liberals' ?
Yeah I'm being kind of an starfish and blowing things way out of proportion with that statement. Sorry.
The ambulance can just run them over if it's in an emergency
If that were a thing that'd happen I wouldn't be complaining, but every driver (of any variety) is different. Some can be rednecks who wouldn't bat an eye doing it and others will be too timid to do so and attempt to find an alternate route.

anyone who actually supports this still consider the fact that cleaning up dead bodies will take a hell of a lot longer than dispersing using standard riot control techniques that the police are already plenty authorized to use

does it seem really weirdly anti-free-speechy to want to kill people who are protesting to anyone else

does it seem really weirdly anti-free-speechy to want to kill people who are protesting to anyone else
are you implying the republican party actually wants free speech

Kill Those Who Disagree

anyone who actually supports this still consider the fact that cleaning up dead bodies will take a hell of a lot longer than dispersing using standard riot control techniques that the police are already plenty authorized to use

Nah we'll just feed the corpses to the ancaps.

So basically Nonnel never has to buy food again

does it seem really weirdly anti-free-speechy to want to kill people who are protesting to anyone else

Protests 300 years ago:

Let's throw the tea into the harbor

Protests now:

Let's burn this city

does it seem really weirdly anti-free-speechy to want to kill people who are protesting to anyone else
I mean (stereotypical) SJW Tumblr wants to do the same thing with all men so surely they won't complain once we go whaling
Jokes aside, yeah kind of.