Author Topic: what are some good guitar daw's?  (Read 265 times)

i have some opportunities to play guitar for online bands, but i need to start getting into daw's and general guitar recording.

i figured this way is easier than buying a 300 dollar amp + 100 dollars for a good mic.

i have a rocksmith cable, or i can can buy a guitar jack to usb converter. whichever has the best sound.

any suggestions?

I think Propellerhead's Reason is a pretty good DAW for guitars. IIRC it comes with some good amp modeling vsts.
I would suggest getting a decent audio interface instead of some usb cable though. The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 has good preamps and is a staple for entry level recording, I know a few guitarists irl that use them. I personally use the 6i6 but thats just because I need more ins and outs.