Author Topic: super bowl 51 thread (PATRIOTS WIN!!!!!)  (Read 12859 times)

No, they block international users and I can't use a VPN from this work PC. In Australia, they're showing the Superbowl on Channel 7 (TV Station), which livestreams their broadcast on the internet, and I was trying to watch that. It kept cutting every 30 seconds though, so I can't do it.

If I had the day off, I'd just watch it on the TV. Ah well.

I'm sure there are a million illicit streams around the internet you could find. Might not be the best quality in the world, but it should at least be stable.

Did anybody watch that terrifying yearbook car commercial? Rogue One should have been the exception, not a new rule of CGI people.

ahahaha the falcons got another touchdown

Did anybody watch that terrifying yearbook car commercial? Rogue One should have been the exception, not a new rule of CGI people.
Yeah, the entire time i was like
"this isnt ok"

I think the half time show is going to end really political.

Holy stuff that drone swarm tho
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 08:43:05 PM by Frontrox »

The people who love their country fight the birds. Whoever wins takes control of the Senate.

i do not want to wake up tomorrow and see tom brady's stuff eating grin

first overtime in super bowl history

this isn't how america dies