Author Topic: Anthony Fantano takes on PJW's "The Truth on Popular Culture"  (Read 5784 times)

>acting like things today are more trash than things of yesteryear

can i just say i hate the "fake bass" they pump into modern music

no idea who this is but he needs to push his loving glasses all the way up

>acting like things today are more trash than things of yesteryear
I'm sorry, I forgot about Michael Jackson Twerking
or Robin Williams Doing bottle flips.
And let's not forget about when at Woodstock, BLM came in and shut down the whole thing for being "too Offensive"!

I'm sorry, I forgot about Michael Jackson Twerking
or Robin Williams Doing bottle flips.
And let's not forget about when at Woodstock, BLM came in and shut down the whole thing for being "too Offensive"!
the amount of trash you can find from anything before this time period is quite impressive I think you're doubting the abilities of previous generations to create garbage

and nice try using legitimately good artists as an example Some people in Paris praised this stuff and loved it during the premiere while a lot of the people in Paris thought it was absolute garbage. In fact during the premiere stuff was thrown on stage because people thought it was absolute stuff (I personally agree)

theres gonna be a ton of garbage in every generation

Tbh today's pop culture is trash, from the songs, clothing fads, society norm s and alike, now adays it's just extremely sub-par and trashy

In some years though it'll change so at least I have that to look forward to
you'll probably think that's trash too. that's the nature of the previous generation mindset. it's a mistake to think like that
unless it's something drastic like if the entire world was taken over and all music was replaced with mongolian war chants or something but i digress

He's literally wrong about all music, it's almost staggering.
false - he liked the new kero kero bonito album, and that stuff slapped

I'm sorry, I forgot about Michael Jackson Twerking
Yeah there definitely weren't artists pushing racey and risque messages in previous decades. Nope.
or Robin Williams Doing bottle flips.
Yes, because the biggest comedians today are known for their bottle flipping. Louie C.K, Bill Burr, Aziz Ansari, Conan O'Brien are all known for flipping bottles. Yep.
And let's not forget about when at Woodstock, BLM came in and shut down the whole thing for being "too Offensive"!
Because protest marches haven't been a thing ever. The '60s and '70s were loving DEFINED by the hippy peace marches that you would probably rant about too if you were a crotchety old "le wrong generation" forget back then.

I'm sorry, I forgot about Michael Jackson Twerking
or Robin Williams Doing bottle flips.
And let's not forget about when at Woodstock, BLM came in and shut down the whole thing for being "too Offensive"!
do you view culture solely through the lens of your loving high school holy hell ladies and gentlemen bottle flipping truly the choice sport of the loving phillistines if we keep this up we'll all be living in caves and stuffting on the floor in no time

Because protest marches haven't been a thing ever. The '60s and '70s were loving DEFINED by the hippy peace marches that you would probably rant about too if you were a crotchety old "le wrong generation" forget back then.
Well damn, when you can compare the BLM riots to the hippy peace marches, when will we be able to compare Riddler to the leader of the country known for freedoms that Riddler was vastly against. Oh stuff...

Well damn, when you can compare the BLM riots to the hippy peace marches, when will we be able to compare Riddler to the leader of the country known for freedoms that Riddler was vastly against. Oh stuff...
They were both protesting against what they viewed to be societal norms, were big movements with the young liberal generations, and generally drew criticism from conservatives and centrists. Oh and you CAN compare Riddler to the leader of whatever country you're talking about. You could compare Riddler with any leader of any country and probably find similarities.

[img][/i   mg]
You literally just did that so what the forget are you trying to prove
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 06:31:43 PM by SlayerZ99 »

pop culture is worsening because the PC buzz of the 90s returned with the backing of the press, the entertainment industry and the government and people are being indoctrinated into believing that the best way forward is through authoritarian silencing of diverse opinion and the stifling of debate; there is no better way to stunt intellectual growth than to suggest that you are infallible

in art, objective value and quality has been slowly thrown out for introspective and increasingly political artwork; it's gotten to the point where art museums will buy boulders and then prop them up in front of the building and call it a masterpiece; the same authoritarian "I'm always right" elitist attitude transfers to this field, where if you don't "understand" a piece that is literally indecipherable, you're an outsider and not a true fan of art

in music, the lyrical and chordal diversity of songs has gone down significantly and the fullness of tracks has plummeted with the arrival of electronic noises; dominant strategy dictates that the easiest technique guaranteed to work will be used every single time, and that is clearly evident with the rise of autotune and the fact that at least half of the popular artists who use it do so not to be evocative or innovative but to instead hide the fact that they can't harmonize or even sing in key (*cough*kAnYe*cough*); yes there have been plenty of songs in the past that talk about butts and shaking them, but while they did so to be controversial/make a good song to dance to, artists like Fergie, Nicki Minaj, and Miley Cyrus do it purely out of unchecked vanity

in education, refer to the first point; it is impossible to truly learn without being exposed to different points of view, and this comes to a head at universities, where speakers, entertainers, and even the school's own teachers will be kicked off campus for pushing against the authoritarian points of view of those at the universities; while in the past people have been ostracized and unfairly ridiculed, it has always been the establishment that has done it, not the younger generation

in culture, going back to the authoritarianism once again, those in entertainment, particularly, who step out of line and say something controversial even once will get fired, lose their shows, get accused 20-30+ times of RAPE (you loving know who I'm talking about) or even worse, regardless of their prominence; there seems to be an active movement to push out the old, talented people in the entertainment industry and replace them with people on the same ideological path as the "majority" of Americans; the disregard for facts is staggering on both sides of the aisle, and in particular if a person is accused of a crime/misdemeanor, the prevailing sentiment is now that they are guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around as has been clearly established by those who came before us; to where as it took a forgetton of evidence and only one missing piece to convince people OJ Simpson was guilty, now it only takes the supposition that something wrong has been done; take Casey Anthony, Men's Wearhouse Spokesman, Annoying Orange & Cosby, etc. as examples; being a beacon of your culture is no longer attributed to talent, skill or heart, but to the right political or social ideology

in social movements, never have I seen more violent social movements (here in the US, I'm not counting national socialists/Communism) take place all at once; people beating those they disagree with, destroying buildings, kidnapping people in the name of these movements and then basically tarring and feathering them, killing cops en masse, etc. etc.; the point of these groups is no longer to unite, but to divide; the "us-vs.-them" mentality is rampant among these movements and they constantly vilify those they don't like while justifying any and all bad actions they commit in vilifying these people; yes, I'm guilty at least somewhat of this, but to acknowledge it is to work to fix it

in politics, absolutely nothing substantial that will last a lifetime has passed through the legislature, and for the past eight years the Congress has made it a point to be deadlocked as loving possible and to not get anything done; it's one, if probably not the main reason that the entire government is now majority one party

yeah, it looks like we're expanding, but we're expanding within the shell we made for ourselves
at some point we're going to have to break out of this authoritarian, lackluster, "the easiest way is the best way" mentality and really show what we're made of