Author Topic: Blogland: money money money money  (Read 410 times)

< Open fridge for food
< No food.
< Go to supermarket
< Get month's worth of goods
< Proceed to cashier
< Total $4k
< About to pay
< Hand in pocket
< No wallet.
< Check other pockets just in case
< Find creditcard
< Pass it
< >rejected<
< Tell cashier you forgot your wallet at home while trying to contain laughter of own stupidity
< Cashier laughs and sets cart aside
< run home because can't pay parking because no wallet
< get wallet
< run back
< do a long af line
< pay and take stuff to truck
< parking charged $300
< mfw no wallet

Out of curiosity what does the Argentinian government do with its money? Do they buy a bunch of Ferraris, hookers, and crack?

Out of curiosity what does the Argentinian government do with its money? Do they buy a bunch of Ferraris, hookers, and crack?
No. I'd wish. The previous government put some in a dragon and put more in a church. This new government uses it to invest in the country and to do intensive investigations to be able to find more places where the previous one hid the money. Like a second dragon, idunno.