Author Topic: is there a limit to the number of different brick names in one build?  (Read 1574 times)

^title, I'm trying to edit a very relay-intensive save and I was thinking it would be so, so much more convenient if it just used named bricks, but I'm not sure how many different brick names one save is allowed to use.

there is a max for the server and dont take my word for this but it's around the one hundreds or something

there is a max for the server and dont take my word for this but it's around the one hundreds or something
stuff, i need more than a hundred to eliminate relays from this build. dammit. alright. is there a quota pref anywhere that anyone knows of, or is this a hard limit?

I don't believe that there's a maximum number of names. If there is, it's probably the same as the maximum number of TS objects.

There are no limits to the number of names or bricks under each name.

But why would you want hundreds of names in the first place? That just sounds like a pain to set up and use.

There are no limits to the number of names or bricks under each name.

But why would you want hundreds of names in the first place? That just sounds like a pain to set up and use.
It's less of a pain to use than the current system of relays built into the save, which keep on getting set off multiple times in the same tick and leaving various toggle-evented bricks in mismatched states.