Author Topic: what to do with antarctica  (Read 1302 times)

if you are not aware antarctica is the only continent in the world without any sort of government or nation or whatever
instead theres this treaty for like 100 nations to "share" it sort of
this is mainly because its a terrible wasteland with 0 life and is generally a waste of land
but still.
land is land and land is valuable

so what should be done with antarctica besides taking it over

melt it
it's ok climate change is a fraud. anyways if that turns out to not be true the water will just flow right off the flat end of the earth--it's on the bottom, is it not??

break it down into little ice cubes and throw them everywhere to help cool people off

It's time to put aunt artica to rest...

antarctica vs 1000 degree knife

im gonna build a mansion on the entirety of antarctica

when all the ice melts it'll look something like this and probably have more comfortable temperatures year-round relative to the rest of the world b/c global warming and all that, so i guess start a civilization down there whenever enough ice melts if ever idk

kil hte gckin pengins

the earth is flat tho

the earth is flat tho
in that case antarctica is the border of the world so i'll build a big fence so no one falls off the ledge

b/c global warming

Ha, jokes on you, Global Warming isn't even real

when all the ice melts it'll look something like this and probably have more comfortable temperatures year-round relative to the rest of the world b/c global warming and all that, so i guess start a civilization down there whenever enough ice melts if ever idk
that'd actually be pretty dope if not for how much flooding would occur everywhere else

in that case antarctica is the border of the world so i'll build a big fence so no one falls off the ledge
u can't stop me

Use the entire continent as farmland automated by robots. World hunger solved.