Author Topic: Silreath's The Thing- Man is the warmest place to hide.  (Read 1810 times)

Welcome to U.S. Outpost #31.

In U.S. Outpost #31, you and several other researchers are being hunted by a Thing from another world, one that can flawlessly imitate other humans, and stops at nothing to devour anything that stands in it's way. Stranded in Antarctica you find youself in the barracks, knowing one of you from 16 researchers is The Thing. You will have to use scarce arms and supplies to evade and destroy The Thing, or die trying. Using teamwork, wits, and exploring, you can easily oust The Thing. However, The Thing can use it's assimilation powers to evade suspicion, hiding spots to ambush prey, and use the own team against themselves.

The Thing was created to incorporate The Thing datablock into a gamemode that is loyal to the movie by John Carpenter, and is also a fun horror-style game in Blockland. The gamemode is focused on teamwork, exploration, strategy, and a slight amount of combat. The map is riddled with hidden items, slight story, utilities, and spots perfect for hiding, which I think is perfect for the minigame created.

The Thing is still relatively new, and there is still much to add, in terms of the map, minigame functionality, and mass player compatibility. THe minigame has many kinks, which have to be worked out often, so if you can help with slayer, that would be greatly appreciated. The map was created solely by me, with attempts to correspond accurately to the movie. If you have suggestions/ideas/comments, feel free to post in here, or message me directly.

Utilities found within the gamemode are: a door system that allows The Thing to open doors with only touch, a copper plate test to test for who the thing is (located in the rec room.), a not-so-intricate duct system, a key-based system to unlock and advance through the outpost and find new items, and switches for every light. THe doors can be unlocked with keys that can be found throughout the map, with changing locations every game. Weaponry can be found about anywhere- in drawers, shelves, hidden, or locked up behind doors.

Have fun, stay alive, and don't eat the yellow snow.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 12:29:20 AM by Silreath »

Map looks great! Love the idea of this, hope to play it soon.

Played this the other day, incredibly fun.

I love the movie and this is a very cool gamemode but from my time playing it the other night I see two things wrong with it:

- the map looks good, but it's very cramped and spawns are not spread apart, making it easy for the Thing to kill many players within the first 30 seconds of the game
- once you know where the key to the weapons locker is, the gameplay devolves to get key > get weapons > kill players until the Thing is dead

a bigger map with wider hallways and more varied spawns, as well as a random location for the key each round (or an alternate way to get weapons that aren't just melee) would help to make the gameplay less repetitive.

Finally someone incorporated this sort of game into Blockland, looks great can't wait to play.

How did you get that angled pole in the second picture?

Looks like a fun gamemode, may check it out if I have the time!

The gamemode and map have been changed to consult issues/suggestions some users have had. This includes:
  • A super advanced system of changing key spawns. (Have fun trying to those.)
  • Varied spawns with new weapons and locations
  • Basement area.
  • (Hopefully) fixed team shuffle.
  • Changed items/item areas
To compensate for the lack of what used to be easily found weaponry, lower tier weapons have been made easier to find, and the locked up items have been varied/ changed to be more powerful to create more diverse gameplay and more exploration/teamwork.
Hoping to have these rolled out tomorrow, thanks to all those playing and those who have had suggestions :)

  • A super advanced system of changing key spawns. (Have fun trying to those.)

First off,

Second, I think you missed a "guess" in "Have fun trying to those."

I like being inside a warm man

First off,

Second, I think you missed a "guess" in "Have fun trying to those."
It's sarcastic, really. It's probably the most dumbed down, simple way to get a random, but equal chance of an event being triggered.

The 10x1 brick on the left shoots an arrow directly into one of the 5 bricks it's parallel to, and since the projectile system is random when it comes to terms of spawning it, all 5 bricks have a chance of being hit. Upon being hit, it triggers a named "key" brick to enable events that changes FX to make the key easier to find, and enables the addItem output on activate.

And concerning the second part, I you're right.

It's sarcastic, really. It's probably the most dumbed down, simple way to get a random, but equal chance of an event being triggered.

The 10x1 brick on the left shoots an arrow directly into one of the 5 bricks it's parallel to, and since the projectile system is random when it comes to terms of spawning it, all 5 bricks have a chance of being hit. Upon being hit, it triggers a named "key" brick to enable events that changes FX to make the key easier to find, and enables the addItem output on activate.

And concerning the second part, I you're right.

Simple but effective method I see. Though I just remembered, while writing this, an event was made a while ago to make this simpler.

It got lost in the add-ons section, I don't blame you for not knowing.


Also, you forgot a "think" in "I you're right".