Author Topic: Where is the colorset button.  (Read 2030 times)

I'm dumb or I'm dumb but I cant seem to find the change color set button when I go and host and toast a custom game for choosing add-ons. Does anyone want to help this drowning soul in a river of confusing confusion? Anyone?

I'm really grinding my teeth. I can't change my servers color set.

Well, after and hour. I found my problem. I needed to download RTB. . . . Sorry for the waste of a topic. . 

You can also change the colorset manually by editing colorset.txt
Code: [Select]

Well, after and hour. I found my problem. I needed to download RTB. . . . Sorry for the waste of a topic. . 
Use Blockland Glass, RTB is old. (and I didn't think it managed colorsets?)

Use Blockland Glass, RTB is old. (and I didn't think it managed colorsets?)

From my understanding blockland glass does have the "colorset" tab.
Also on a side note. I somehow deleted brick textures and now I don't know how to get them back. .. .

Use Blockland Glass, RTB is old. (and I didn't think it managed colorsets?)

rtb did manage colorsets

From my understanding blockland glass does have the "colorset" tab.
Also on a side note. I somehow deleted brick textures and now I don't know how to get them back. .. .
Verify game files if you're on steam
otherwise the launcher should return them

From my understanding blockland glass does have the "colorset" tab.
yes it does

From my understanding blockland glass does have the "colorset" tab.
The "Colorset" tab of the mod manager