Author Topic: Whats a good way to get rid off anxiety?  (Read 2172 times)

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yeah what the forget

just tell a parent about it and say you'd like a prescription

write down everything you need to do
if you need to do something, do it
if the list is all checked off then you should have nothing to worry about
if you're still anxious go to a psychologist, that's where I got the above advice and psychologists are generally pretty cool people to talk to
like literally most of their job is to listen to you, then they offer advice (or point you at a psychiatrist if you need medication for depression or whatever)

my psychologist (who I don't see any more) used to be a school psychologist for the school I go to. Sadly I don't think we have a school psychologist any more which is dumb because that's a great idea

Try ending your life that always works for me.

Try ending your life that always works for me.
Can't end your life if you don't have one

I took Lexapro for a while and it helped me. However, I worked my way off of that, and now while I am less anxious than I was then, it's still a problem to some extent.
But yeah medication should be if not your first option a solid second or third. It's there for a reason. It can help. It exists because it can help.
You probably won't be able to get rid of it forever. I kinda consider my anxiety part of my personality, and it's pretty much the only reason I get any work done. That's just me though.
You can live a meaningful and positive life with it, but don't just try to power through it.

They say smoking weed under the age of 25 kills brain cells

Sure explains a lot op

I cant kill what I dont have
I barely smoke, I last like 3-6 months with a single pack.
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"Hurrdurr weed is an illegal drug, dont you ever dare taking drugs"

Update: Work is loving killing me, help.
Im too anxious to talk my anxiety to anyone and I really would love to try a xanax-like meds.

anxiety can be overcome with absolute confidence, apathy, or shamelessness

i suggest getting drunk, high, or so exhausted that you just dont care

im too anxious to talk about my anxiety.

lmao his parents aren't really affected by the tobacco, but god forbid THE WEED?

honestly though your just gotta put yourself into the situation and stay no matter how uncomfortable you are, sort of like exposure therapy.

threaten the others but make sure you go gym otherwise you'll get boxed dunno where you from

honestly though your just gotta put yourself into the situation and stay no matter how uncomfortable you are, sort of like exposure therapy.
Ive had anxiety for much over 3 years now
Im p sure the over exposure isnt goint to help.
Im just going to text my mom about it. It seems to be the easiest way.
Jfc coming out was easier what the forget even

I'm being 100% serious when I say this:
Slow procrastination. Take your body on a pleasure trip.

ask kids on the internet.

get stoned of course.