Author Topic: [NEWS] Murder-Self Delete at Cali. elementary school kills 3, wounds 1  (Read 9590 times)

A school with its own armory sounds handicapped, this isn't a third world country or detroit.
A school with its own armory would likely not need more than a rifle, shotgun, and a handgun. It would not need to take up a large amount of space; empty classrooms or smaller service rooms could be re-purposed to fit such a role.

every classroom can just have a gun safe. what you think they all need to have it on them at all times?
what delusional wild west kind of world do you imagine?
I'm with Bisjac and Tony on this one, like Tony said if the right person had a gun in the situation to defend themself and defend the other innocents around them then stuff like columbine would have never happened

can't really argue with that. good point

In middle-schools and high-schools it'd be more of a risk. But in Elementaries, it's pretty unrealistic to assume an 11 - 12 year old ( 6th grade age if not held back ) knows how to do all of that, or the teacher is so incompetent that they'd leave a fully loaded, roostered, and saftey disabled gun out in the open where a kid can easily find and reach it.

A school with its own armory would likely not need more than a rifle, shotgun, and a handgun. It would not need to take up a large amount of space; empty classrooms or smaller service rooms could be re-purposed to fit such a role.

A police officer on staff would be a better equivalent.

That 60 year old vocabulary teacher isn't going to do stuff with a loaded shotgun. If anything the shooters will end up having a newly acquired gun.

That 60 year old vocabulary teacher isn't going to do stuff with a loaded shotgun. If anything the shooters will end up having a newly acquired gun.
Giving teachers firearms training seems unnecessary when staff with a security background can be hired instead.

Giving teachers firearms training seems unnecessary when staff with a security background can be hired instead.
I think that's the point he's trying to make

A school with its own armory sounds handicapped, this isn't a third world country or detroit.
Got to agree with tony on this.

they must've forgotten to put the "zero gun tolerance" sign up

lol @ people saying guns shouldn't be in USA

you know, because like mexican cartels aren't already pushing over illegal drugs and guns

in a country with more guns then probably all of europe combined

gun laws worked in europe because there were nobody to push guns onto them

america has the loving cartels and the surplus of guns already existing

lmao we were just talking about that and my teacher pulled me and a friend aside and was questioning if we planner to shoot up the school

Having specific security officers is a far better idea than arming teachers

Having specific security officers is a far better idea than arming teachers
can't agree more

there has never been a school shooting / mass shooting where the shooter didnt expect to die. they usually kill themselves, but rarely have enough ammo to last till the police show up to kill them.

so really, the only workable solution is to kill the guy asap.
the time it takes you to even make the call for guns to come help you, its far too late lol.

libs pretend its an issue of mental illness that needs to be solved, while they give hormones to children they deem are transloveual. so we cant rely on them to make decisions.

what if the gun is accidentally discharged, or a little kid gets a hold of it? im 100% sure the latter would occur way more often than a shooting incident like this.

how to know when someone knows nothing about concealed carry 101

libs sucking each other's richard over there about the great gun control cali has.
if adults were all armed, stuff like this wouldnt happen.

(i bet someone cheated on someone :p)
Uh so how is an armed individual meant to stop a murder Self Delete? Unless they're in the room with their gun already out and aimed at the perp, they're not going to be able to do stuff.