Author Topic: Starting work on a Blockland Movie - (Preview)  (Read 3702 times)

I don't even have a title for this yet.. uh? For now it's gonna be..
The Tale of a Hero! In High School

Here's a sneak peek at my newest Blockland movie, this is literally my first one but I hope to make many!
Note - This sneak peek has literally nothing to it.

Also I play every actor.. So that's interesting huh?

Premise - Thanks to Drydess

Honestly I kind of wanted to start it out as a generic Highschool film but then suddenly falling into another cliche strange things start happening.

I kind of want to have it be like all from the character's perspective and I'm not sure how to do this fully yet because I'm the only person - Building, Editing (Which is what I like to do), eventing and not voice acting currently but I do want to get voice actors if possible.

Characters - As of now
4 Main Characters

James - "Main Character", New to this High School and making friends while uncovering this world around him / Voice Actors: N/A
Description - A little antisocial and nervous around new people, but with his group of friends he opens up!

Elizabeth - Only female in the main group, she typically is the one who comes up with the plans. / Voice Actors: N/A
Description - Elizabeth is the man of the group, no one tells her what to do.. Except the principle.

Geoff - Takes everything very seriously, but he is a kind guy. / Voice Actors: N/A
Description - Geoff takes school seriously, like everything else in his life, but he can have a good time and is the most kind hearted guy you'll know.

Manny - Wacky character, comedic character / Voice Actors: N/A
Description - Manny doesn't take life too seriously, he is like a polar opposite of Geoff, he loves to make people laugh and can be the most random person.

Voice Application Form

Character you want:

Experience (if any):

Voice reel/Voice acting video, audio:
(Just so I can see an example)

« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 10:50:17 PM by kill3rman88 »

what's the premise of it, i'm sort of confused by the trailer

what's the premise of it, i'm sort of confused by the trailer

Yeah.. uh I kind of rewatched it like 10 times and realized that.. it literally has no point yet.

Honestly I kind of wanted to start it out as a generic Highschool film but then suddenly falling into another cliche strange things start happening.

I kind of want to have it be like all from the character's perspective and I'm not sure how to do this fully yet because I'm the only person - Building, Editing (Which is what I like to do), eventing and not voice acting currently but I do want to get voice actors if possible.

I should've waited but I jumped the gun because I was kind of excited. I think I'm going to remake a new trailer but I might have to do it later because I have virtually nothing done yet lol.

Also, I'm going to need voice actors. So I set up a email specifically for this project, and people can email me about it if they'd like. Though I don't need like professionals, I would rather you not have static in the background and if possible please have a voice that fits said role.

Use the email above if you'd like to take part as a voice actor, if you want to help out in another way just talk to me about it. I'm usually open for anything I'd like to think I'm not that bad a person haha

i know you might not be able to run shaders but at least attempt to use the minimum value

you probably shouldn't have posted your email in plain text here..

i know you might not be able to run shaders but at least attempt to use the minimum value

Yeah I apologize I have a stuff computer, I just wanted it to be 60fps at least..

you probably shouldn't have posted your email in plain text here..

Well it really doesn't concern me, the only thing it's made for is voice applications, and I know people can do stuff to it but.. So far it looks like I might need to start over on the project but who knows.

is this character a stroke victim

Yeah I apologize I have a stuff computer, I just wanted it to be 60fps at least..

oh my bad

Yeah I apologize I have a stuff computer, I just wanted it to be 60fps at least..

I wouldn't worry about fps too much, movies are only filmed at 24fps anyway

is this character a stroke victim

Can be, only 4 u baebae

oh my bad

No it's fine.

I wouldn't worry about fps too much, movies are only filmed at 24fps anyway

Yeah good point

I wouldn't worry about fps too much, movies are only filmed at 24fps anyway
Yeah but movies have motion blur.