Author Topic: [NEWS] Great Barrier Reef >93% bleached, dead due to global warming  (Read 4809 times)

Breitbart reports that not only is it not dead, bleaching is normal and it will recover soon.

Breitbart reports that not only is it not dead, bleaching is normal and it will recover soon.
stuff like this makes me legitimately sick to my stomach

you can still see the summernats

i had no idea ausies loved muscle cars so much. back up to 3 reasons lol

Breitbart reports that not only is it not dead, bleaching is normal and it will recover soon.
stuff like this makes me legitimately sick to my stomach

Breitbart reports that not only is it not dead, bleaching is normal and it will recover soon.

nonnel you gotta watch out for poe's law

I really hope that once the human race has got its stuff together and finally reverses global warming that we can restore the great barrier reef.
I know there has been a lot of discussion about sinking old ships to create artificial reefs. But that potentially introduces new ecological problems... and already has, in some cases. I think we gotta wait a couple hundred years to fully undo this, sadly.

maybe we'll hit 100% and beat the game

downloading bleach.

here's the article
The comments on this article legit make me wonder how the US got so bad...
Actual quotes:

"liberals think the earth should have melted by now"
"Hang on!! Not that long ago the Climate change lobby was advocating sea level rises....."
"Liberals have two heads, one in the clouds, one up their own ass."
"I have my own descriptors for liberals.
1. Idiots
2. Ignorant
3. Evil
Or any combo of the above three..."
"By the way God said he will destroy this planet."
"Libs are perfectly happy believing everything they hear about climate change without a scrap of direct evidence"
"We were there last year. It looked perfectly fine"
"Global Warming will go down in history as one of the greatest scams of the ages."

Dear GOD that website is pure, concentrated cancer in a can.

looks like you have fallen into the LIBERAL TRAP, there buckaroo. you and i both know that global warming isn't real, the exxon guy at my town says so. even if it is real (that's a stretch!), it'll only make it easier to live in the colder regions of the planet. sounds like a good thing to me.

"Hang on!! Not that long ago the Climate change lobby was advocating sea level rises....."

what this implies is hilarious

the city of townsville is next to the reef

You're so shortsighted. No single president is responsible for this, and the root of the problem extends to before Obama's time.

People are blaming Annoying Orange for it.