Author Topic: If the BLF was a city, what kind of city do you think it'd be?  (Read 3062 times)

Inb4 'on fire' or 'ruins'

I, personally, would imagine someplace like Chicago. Old architecture, but full of people. What do you think?

Edit: upon realization, it clicked I wasn't very clear. What kind of city do you associate with this internet hole? Why? If you were going to build a city to capture the feel of here, how would you go about it? Etc.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 07:18:04 AM by Rabbot32 »

Not a city, but how about a borough? What if the Blockland in Germany is this Blockland? :cookieMonster:

it would be the gambling den in some back alley in downtown chicago, but instead of gambling it would be memes and political "debates"

stalingrad but without the communism

 Ruins on fire.

Just kidding,  I can't think of any city that'd be close.

one of those overpopulated concrete cities where every back alley is another drug deal, muggings happen daily, night seems to go on forever, and everyone carries a gun

city 17, where badspot is breen except no one's seen him in a while

Not a city with very rich architecture, that's for sure. Most of the buildings look of something a child would put together with a few primitive LEGO bricks.

There is almost no government and the corruption of city officials is a subject of hot debate. There is virtually no gun control and crime is very rampant. It's the kind of city where criminals sit inside of banks and kill those who come in to make a deposit. When criminals are eventually caught, they will usually have their friends drive a vehicle directly through the prison walls to escape.

There are also a bunch of religious zealots who think life as they know it is based around a modification to a computer game, and that their god is a man by the name of Iban.

On the flip side, being a center for different age and ethnic groups from around the world, it has a very diverse food culture. You can find restaurants serving food from moldy socks to cheese burgers that cost $666 dollars.

All in all, it's not exactly the kind of city I'd want to live in.

This is the most well-worded post I've ever read in my life. Bravo.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 10:31:36 AM by Rabbot32 »

one that we built on rock and roll

stalingrad but without the communism

literally volgograd