Author Topic: PATTON 360 MEMORIAL TOPIC  (Read 14630 times)

About loving time too.

But nothing can top Nix nutting into a glaceon
not if i nut in it first

i would post F but i have elephantitis in my fingers

honestly patton360 was the worst toxicology. I much prefer our dimension's toxicology

if this isn't permanent i'm going to cry a million tears

honestly patton360 was the worst toxicology. I much prefer our dimension's toxicology
wait a minute wat the heck

toxicology reports state that he overdosed on viagra :/ rip

if this isn't permanent i'm going to cry a million tears
I hope you post the video of you crying

wait a minute wat the heck

its like berenstain bears except with toxicologies

toxicology reports state that he overdosed on viagra :/ rip
its like berenstain bears except with toxicologies

good ol' earth #9 toxicology

good ol' earth #9 toxicology
nothing can replace the tried and true #9