Author Topic: I'm trying to find this old movie but I don't remember it.  (Read 2070 times)

I saw this movie once on comedy central and I can't find the name of it anywhere.

So it's a movie about these people making a cheese commercial.

near the ending of the movie they have 3 little girls dressed as sausages that are about to fall in a pit of boiling cheese.

So some guy has to go and save them.

Also someone has to use this guy's snake as a rope so he doesn't fall.

Can't find this movie anywhere.

This movie doesn't exist because you're experiencing a nutella affect.

It's not freddy got fingered.

are you sure this wasnt just another drug fueled fever dream

why would you want to know the name of a movie like that

why would you want to know the name of a movie like that

So I can rewatch it?

jesus christ that's an obscure ass plot idk if you're gonna find it

Somehow this reminds me of Nanny McPhee

I thought the guy from American History X was playing in this movie because it reminds me of Death To Smoochey but he doesn't.

One of the actors in the movie is a fat asian if that helps,