I made a crappy website (on purpose)

Author Topic: I made a crappy website (on purpose)  (Read 1648 times)

Again, for brown townytics class I was assigned to make a stuffty website so that I can track the google brown townytics or whatever. Obviously I need people to look at it to get any data off it.
So here, check it out.




but forget u i'm checking out the bush and u can't stop me
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 04:03:41 PM by gr8dayseth »

but forget u i'm checking out the bush and u can't stop me


this is loving hilarious lmao

i have inspected the bush
you cannot stop me

Google brown townytics will hear about this!

i contacted you asking about the bush and customer service is loving awful

no iframes?
I rank it minimum 5.0

What are you talking about, this is a great site!

i contacted you asking about the bush and customer service is loving awful

Yeah, sorry about that. My customer service representatives dont do much but eat baklava and speak in Turkish.

Yeah, sorry about that. My customer service representatives dont do much but eat baklava and speak in Turkish.

Not Indian?

Some motherforgeter looked at my sight on a WiiU.
That animal!

Some motherforgeter looked at my sight on a WiiU.
That animal!
I should look at it on my nintendo switch...
