Author Topic: Brick Searching [1.5]  (Read 6802 times)

Hmm... is it a bug? None of these bricks contain "rounds" in their name.


very yes

can you also have it search subcategories and display all bricks in a subcategory if the string matches it

crown added this

Hmm... is it a bug? None of these bricks contain "rounds" in their name.

I think for this search pretty enough to have at least a part of a word in the searchbox to start finding something that could contain this part of word.

I think for this search pretty enough to have at least a part of a word in the searchbox to start finding something that could contain this part of word.
You beat me to it

functionally this looks great! however the ui elements look like total garbage

Maybe something like this?

also not sure if this is possible, but can you make it so you can click out of the text box to stop typing, like what ctrl+enter does?

Thanks to Swollow the search button doesn't look awful anymore:

also not sure if this is possible, but can you make it so you can click out of the text box to stop typing, like what ctrl+enter does?
You can press ctrl+enter to stop typing as well, clicking away might be difficult. I might be able to have escape stop typing in there and then if you hit it again it would close the menu as usual.

loving the trend of people making long-needed mods that just make all the cumbersome parts of the vanilla game easier

havent tested yet, but this might conflict with resizable brick icons
(whose link seems to be dead... heres a mirror

basically this mod's search bar is in the same place the slider for the brick icon resizer is

edit: confirmed :(

searching also resets the icon size back to default :(
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 09:40:28 AM by Crispy_ »

Very useful, thank you Crøwn.

eyy that's pretty good

Clicking any brick will now stop your cursor from being in the search box, allowing you to easily press B to exit the menu after buying the brick you want.

To be honest, that add-on picked a poor place to put that slider. It should be in the options menu my opinion. Who needs to change their brick icon sizes that often?