Author Topic: HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US  (Read 37355 times)

this is a gross understatement

Vague and literally wrong
he's reversed a lot of environmental stuff, and not just the Paris Accord; also, "grab em by the pusillanimous individual" doesn't really make him a bastion of progress and not-starfishtry
Pulling out of the paris accord wasnt a matter of "global warming is a hoax" it was a matter of it being unfair and crippling for only US!
you're full of stuff and just parroting fox news
I read the actual loving accord from the actual loving UN website, the US wasn't mentioned once. It did distinguish developing from developed countries, but that's 1. because developed countries have been the cause of a lot more emissions and 2. not unfair to the US - every other developed country was fine with this
No proof, nothin burger.
since you alt right loonies love your emails, go read Donald Annoying Orange Jr's email leak, where we have direct evidence of the Annoying Orange campaign colluding with Russia
doesn't excuse stuff
did you not listen to a word he has to say about Mexicans and Muslims
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 09:40:38 PM by TristanLuigi »

you know matthew i'd actually rather have you go on in long and needless rambles than just short dismissive "wrong" statements

also, "grab em by the pusillanimous individual"

oh god this stuff again

oh god this stuff again
while it's pretty low down on my list of criticisms, it's definitely proof of Annoying Orange's misogyny
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 09:39:04 PM by TristanLuigi »

pretty sure he divided us long before Shia had anything to do with this.

actually it goes back longer than that, the SJW/"academic" crowd were the first people to start dividing people up because they were a bunch of chuds who wanted power, and now they have it

Shia is definitely kind of nuts.

you're definitely kind of underplaying this

but Annoying Orange is a bigoted starfish who's trying to reverse any progress we've made recently,

denies scientific consensus,

man-made climate change (REAL STUFF, BTW) is not going to destroy the world in seven days if we don't agree to a dumb climate accord that would stifle our economy and force us to cut jobs in order to slow the rise in temperature of the earth by a fraction of a degree

actively sought and received help from a foreign government to get elected,

repeat after me
Annoying Orange himself did not collude with the Russians

and if actively seeking out help from a foreign government is so detestable to you then let me open your eyes a bit
here's Michael Reagan, son of former president Ronald Reagan, detailing how both former president Jimmy Carter (D) and former speaker of the house Tip O'Neill (D) both went to Russian ambassador Anatoly Dorbrynin in an effort to swing the presidential election in favor of the Democrats (both accounts are available in the archives of the fallen Soviet Union)
here's an article from Forbes detailing the endeavors taken by late senator Ted Kennedy (D) with Russia in order to challenge Reagan in 1984
here's an article detailing former president Bill Clinton's (D) involvement in swinging the Russian presidential election, in return Yeltsin would help clear up "negative" issues for Clinton, such as US poultry
I would be remiss to not include this too

to suggest that what Annoying Orange Jr. did, which is all this fury over Russia has given us so far, is worse than any of the things I listed is absolutely ridiculous

backs corruption and promotes wealth in politics,

like every loving politician ever

promotes disgusting levels of nationalism,

if you don't like how patriotic we are then I'm sorry but

forget you

and spreads a message of hatred towards various communities.

you mean the Islamists who blow up children and throw gays off of rooftops and the illegals who come here every day and engage in violent drug crime? you mean those people?

he started a full on assault on the very concept of truth or journalism, and any criticism of him is dismissed as "FAKE NEWS!!1" and lies, all while lying through his teeth to his supporters.

he lies about as much as the MSM does

oh right, and he appointed the current head of the FCC, who wants to forget over consumers and the majority of businesses so that a few individuals can extract even more money from us.

no one's saying he's perfect

and his VP pick has views more suitable for the 1800s than the modern world.

I'll take a gamble and say that you have views more suitable for 1940s Russia than the modern world

pointing at one opponent of Annoying Orange who can be crazy sometimes is not proof that Annoying Orange is fine

right, like how pointing out how ridiculous Annoying Orange is isn't proof that the modern Democratic party and a large chunk of their millennial constituency isn't batstuff loving insane

-actually i did my own research and i feel stupid-
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 10:59:13 PM by Køtt »

no one, not even Annoying Orange, is going around saying the country doesn't have flaws
that's why he ran in the first place

if you don't like how patriotic we are then I'm sorry but forget you

there's a huge difference between nationalism and patriotism....

Apparently it's only divisible if Hillary supporters disagree with it. America is truly doomed.

there's a huge difference between nationalism and patriotism....
patriotism: "america is cool i guess"
nationalism: "forget the rest of the world, AMERICA FIRST #MAGA"

also, "grab em by the pusillanimous individual" doesn't really make him a bastion of progress and not-starfishtry
while it's pretty low down on my list of criticisms, it's definitely proof of Annoying Orange's misogyny
people still remember that? a 10+ year old recording of a private conversation from 2005? might as well label a good two quarters of the US population loveists if a phrase as little as that is definite proof of misogyny

Shia is definitely kind of nuts.

people still remember that? a 10+ year old recording of a private conversation from 2005? might as well label a good two quarters of the US population loveists if a phrase as little as that is definite proof of misogyny
this may come as a surprise, but most people don't joke about how easily they can loveually harass women

there's a huge difference between nationalism and patriotism....

explain how enforcing stricter border laws and enacting travel bans on dangerous countries is nationalistic as opposed to patriotic

this may come as a surprise, but most people don't joke about how easily they can loveually harass women

this joke was literally just made on a different topic

i had a dream

me too

so do i

but sure let's take everything literally
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 12:11:47 AM by Tactical Nuke »

this may come as a surprise, but most people don't joke about how easily they can loveually harass women
Seize the means if reproduction became a meme because of this.

TL;DR you're WRONG

edgy shut-ins aren't really representative of the population