Ive made another dummy website

Author Topic: Ive made another dummy website  (Read 913 times)

Yet again for my brown townytics class we were tasked to make a website. This is actually my midterm.
I had to make a standard looking site to promote a fake business thats supposed to support indie game developement, and this is that site.

Its pretty bare, there are no links to external sources, but check it out for me.


Note: This is a dummy website for a fake buisness that I made. Don't take it too seriously.

why cant i join the team

why cant i join the team

That and there's no link.

i want to join the team

i'll be going to booth 448

i'll be going to booth 448
is that the way to join the team

aw come on i want to join the team


>you will never join the team

I uh, I dont even know what booth 448 will have for you. But now I'm curious.

ive already joined the team

imo the join the team gradient button clashes with the material design style

imo the join the team gradient button clashes with the material design style

It was an external asset.
We had to use it.

And you're right.

reported for abuse. you're not gonna hack me

Button is stuff
Change it to a flat looking one to make it look more modern.
You can round the corners if you want to.

Also no image allowed, use css only for that scrub

Rest is p good, id change the background red to something more darker and magbe use white text

you could also use some thicker fonts in some places