Author Topic: Why Has Youtube Gone To stuff Recently?  (Read 3718 times)

Seriously?! Unskippable ads, 1000 degree knife challenges, clickbait being shoved up everyone's rectum. Youtube needs to die if this is what is going to continue.

bring back pivot videos

advertisers and youtube favoring people who can make multiple, repetitive, instant view generating content over people who create actual content

bring back mike mozart toy reviews

because advertisers the people working at youtube are being dumbasses

I never noticed this, probably because I use adblock and I use youtube on my account so regularly that view shilling stuff doesn't show up for me at all.

advertisers and youtube favoring people who can make multiple, repetitive, instant view generating content over people who create actual content
yeah, basically

and not in a weird nostalgia way, but in an actual, genuine way, I'd like to see youtube be more like it used to be.
like, if you use wayback machine, you can see tons of featured videos with like 20-100 views (which is actually a neat feature, letting random people get their stuff on the front page) and the videos are just random but genuinely interesting and in a way more human and personal than a bunch of let's play garbage being put up for ad revenue

just short videos of people havin a good time, walking and talking around the house or outdoors, doing something they think is cool, going out travelling, or telling a story they have
it's like home videos and personal experiences sent out for a bunch of strangers, and it's kinda nice


Well, Guys, just so you know, there are alternatives.

Well, Guys, just so you know, there are alternatives.
Still some clickbait, but definitely less than youtube

I don't use Adblock to support the channels I like, but yeah there is a stuffload of cringeworthy garbage on YouTube

Well, Guys, just so you know, there are alternatives.
stop shilling your loving handicapped alt right meme website

wouldn't know about ads because phone is rooted with adblock and computer also has adblock

Well, Guys, just so you know, there are alternatives.