Author Topic: Stange Chat Glitch  (Read 1816 times)

Occasionally, Blockland will give me a weird glitch where I'm not able to exit chat. Esc will only open up the menu and I can't open Blockland Glass. The W key will only type in chat, A somehow acts as the left arrow key, D is like a reverse backspace where it erases letters from the front of the message, S is the same as W, Enter does nothing, and it's just strange overall. I have not found a fix for this at all and it gets on my nerves, especially when playing something like Super Creeper or Despair Fever.

Does anybody else get this and is there a way to fix it?

workaround: leave it empty and press enter
assuming you can still send the message

Try pressing all the modifier keys like ctrl, shift, alt, just in case bl thinks they're stuck for some reason.

for some reason I remember having this issue
and I also remember having to disable a driver

was in device manager>human interfaces devices>(something)
do note that this was on my old laptop and was a long time ago, might be different

Opening steam or tabbing out of BL sometimes works to fix chat glitches, but I've never experienced this so I don't know

Opening the Steam overlay works for me in this instance.

i just mash shift windows ctrl and alt until it stops lol, seems to work

Pretty much using all the keys that you need to hold in conjecture with another key like the aforementioned ones fixes the issue. It also happens in other games, but in different conditions.

And now for nitpicking.

especially when playing something like Super Creeper or Despair Fever.

You mean Despair Syndrome, yes?

i sometimes get that problem, except its quite different : i cant enter nor erase with backspace. the letters work normal

this happens when blockland last remembers you hitting a modifier and still thinks you're holding it after even when you aren't so just mash all the modifiers at once or just mash alt (the usual culprit) and that should fix it
^^^this is speculation