Author Topic: What do you wish you had known before modding Blockland?  (Read 1216 times)

In the spirit of Conan's Add-on Making Academy, I figured it would be good to create another small resource to help those delving into Blockland modding.

In this topic, talk about what you wish you had known when you were just starting to create add-ons for Blockland. Feel free to talk in a general sense, or about specific types of add-ons. Feel free to give more than one tip. Additionally, if you'd like, talk about how and/or why you got started.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 05:03:35 AM by Platypi »

the code of the default game functions

Set yourself goals, nothing too large to start with.
Create larger projects (if you do them at all) in small segments that are products on themselves and work from there on out. (kinda like scrum)
While you might want to work on a thousand of (sub)projects at once due to the many ideas you have, you will end up having a lot of unfinished ones which might get you down in the end.
Work out the idea on paper, or type them out!
Get a good idea of what you want before you start.
Of course it can change, but it helps a lot to know what you want beforehand!

Some generic developing tips that i think could be helpful.

That I could use .dump(); to get all the functions and current attributes of tires, springs, and vehicles (especially in the process of tweaking those values)

default functions, aka decompiled allGameScripts.cs.dso and such. Would have been a massive help when trying to write some things I ended up giving up on at the time.

for obvious reasons its something that I couldn't really expect. I hear there's a new DSO decompiler floating around out there though, that generates readable and compilable code.

the code of the default game functions
Implying that his is something you know now? How could I get my hands on this?

Implying that his is something you know now? How could I get my hands on this?

I would also like to know where to find decompiled .dso code. Though I'm just going to assume most of it is secret on purpose lol

Implying that his is something you know now? How could I get my hands on this?
For certain reasons not everyone should have the decompiler (if this goes in the wrong hands it could be spread quick or find something bad and abuse it). If you want to know a certain function you can add me on steam

For certain reasons not everyone should have the decompiler (if this goes in the wrong hands it could be spread quick or find something bad and abuse it). If you want to know a certain function you can add me on steam
It might be a good idea to post the function declarations though, so everyone knows how to parent each function. I may do that.

It might be a good idea to post the function declarations though, so everyone knows how to parent each function. I may do that.
wasnt mocha doing that in that topic a while ago?

wasnt mocha doing that in that topic a while ago?
he meant stuff like function Stuff::dostuff(%stuffObj, %a, %b, %c) so people don't have to search in trace to figure out what they are

uuh.. the entire blockland "api" i guess?

Also i wish there were a way to tracing variables besides functions.