Author Topic: [NEWS] 8 Dead in Mississippi shooting  (Read 4268 times)

« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 10:35:50 AM by -Paint- »

Bullets of Peace
« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 11:40:41 AM by Master Matthew² »

first reply and matthew has already tried to start an argument involving tony, forget off

its loving stuff how these keep happening alongside frequent terrorist attacks in the eu, world's pretty stuffty right now

Bullets of Peace
religion of peace
religion of peace
religion of peas

Holy stuff, I don't know if this is some sort of new meme that appears on any thread referring to any sort of shooting, whatsoever, but there wasn't a muslim within a country mile of this. So far, this just reads out as some white trailer trash hick dealing with his children being taken away from him while going through a stuffty divorce.

Holy stuff, I don't know if this is some sort of new meme that appears on any thread referring to any sort of shooting, whatsoever, but there wasn't a muslim within a country mile of this. So far, this just reads out as some white trailer trash hick dealing with his children being taken away from him while going through a stuffty divorce.
Its a meme you dip

Holy stuff, I don't know if this is some sort of new meme that appears on any thread referring to any sort of shooting, whatsoever, but there wasn't a muslim within a country mile of this. So far, this just reads out as some white trailer trash hick dealing with his children being taken away from him while going through a stuffty divorce.
jokes tho

jokes tho

i just don't find it that funny, "8 people dead as a result of domestic dispute. BUT forget MUSLIMS THO, LOL  :cookieMonster:

I live about 30 minutes away from brookhaven and about a few more to bogue chitto and I have been to these locations quite a lot.

Shocking, no one dead my family knew though.