Author Topic: What happened to this game??  (Read 3627 times)

It's been a few years since I've last played it and everything is gone?? I feel like I missed something... No more bedroom?

Yeah, terrain and interiors were removed in place of shadows and shaders.  Also, in case you were wondering, Ephialtes shut down RTB because he "got bored of putting more effort into the game than the guys who make it."

Jeeezus ;-; Does Badspot still update the game??

Incoming entry to the R.I.P Blockland list...

Incoming entry to the R.I.P Blockland list...
Doesn't really count, he didn't say it was dead.

Jeeezus ;-; Does Badspot still update the game??
Ever heard of warhammer 40k ? Yeah, BL is mostly like that nowadays

Jeeezus ;-; Does Badspot still update the game??

not really
last update was in september, and the update before that was in december of 2015

I know its a meme to "put another onto the list" but I think that it's really necessary to take a step back and look at BL as a whole and it's development. Realistically, and from what I'm seeing, Badspot doesn't care about the game anymore, save for moderating the forums and getting into political debates with 16 year olds (not a bad thing, just stating a fact). And the fact that he's stepping away from the game wouldn't bother me so much if he wouldn't just sit on it and let it die. I know that there's plenty of people that would love working on blockland through a development standpoint, instead of just modding it.
And just as Ephi stated, someday, these guys are gonna get tired of putting effort into the game than the guys who make it. We're losing players, not gaining much, servers are getting more dumbed down and infrequent, infighting constantly puts the community into a schism, and the game isn't even being developed anymore.

I think we all just need to take a breather and ask ourselves what the future is gonna hold for Blockland, and then figure out what we can do to help it.

I know its a meme to "put another onto the list"


but I think that it's really necessary to take a step back and look at BL as a whole and it's development. Realistically, and from what I'm seeing, Badspot doesn't care about the game anymore, save for moderating the forums and getting into political debates with 16 year olds (not a bad thing, just stating a fact). And the fact that he's stepping away from the game wouldn't bother me so much if he wouldn't just sit on it and let it die. I know that there's plenty of people that would love working on blockland through a development standpoint, instead of just modding it.
And just as Ephi stated, someday, these guys are gonna get tired of putting effort into the game than the guys who make it. We're losing players, not gaining much, servers are getting more dumbed down and infrequent, infighting constantly puts the community into a schism, and the game isn't even being developed anymore.

I think we all just need to take a breather and ask ourselves what the future is gonna hold for Blockland, and then figure out what we can do to help it.

Yes, we know, but that doesn't mean the game died. From what I heard people still play Runescape.

Why doesn't Badspot just sell Blockland? I don't think it's dead, but certainly not as lively as it once was. The community needs to do something to make the game better. Let's just pray that if Badspot sells it the person he sells it to knows what they're doing...

I'll buy it for 300 bucks

I'll buy it for 301 bucks

Jeeezus ;-; Does Badspot still update the game??
im sorry but

Why doesn't Badspot just sell Blockland? I don't think it's dead, but certainly not as lively as it once was. The community needs to do something to make the game better. Let's just pray that if Badspot sells it the person he sells it to knows what they're doing...
why though? the game is over ten years old.

the community is always releasing new content like addons and builds. what would the person who buys blockland actually do to make it better, and why would they bother spending the money on the time on it for such a small game? the best thing would be an engine upgrade, but that is easier said than done, and you may as well just make your own game at that point.

i swear ive heard so many people say that badspot should sell blockland thinking that somebody would actually pay up and make the game better somehow.