Author Topic: Is snopes even credible anymore?  (Read 2880 times)

anyone that i dont agree with is biased end of story

didnt the dude that runs snopes embezzle a stuff ton of money and leave his wife because she was fat?

Snopes has a blatant liberal bias, likely a side effect of the political leaning of its founder/employees.

Here are fun ones:

And of course there's Politifact:

how are the snopes ones wrong

yeah i don't see anything wrong with the snopes ones

yeah i don't see anything wrong with the snopes ones
how are the snopes ones wrong
im glad i wasnt the only one

wesley you need to provide evidence or at the very least a counterpoint to debase something

Really, guys?
First off there was video of the "traffic incident" and they pulled the white guy out of his car while saying "He voted Annoying Orange, get him!" only with more ebonics
Second: there's literally audio of it so why the forget are they lying

Really, guys?
First off there was video of the "traffic incident" and they pulled the white guy out of his car while saying "He voted Annoying Orange, get him!" only with more ebonics
Second: there's literally audio of it so why the forget are they lying

see? now this is how you debase snopes. evidence!

Snopes made moldylocks look innocent.

Snopes claimed that the story is mostly face, meaning she wasn't using explosives.

No one made a claim she was using explosives. Everyone was claiming she was throwing glass bottles at people. Even her attacker said he wasn't aware of any explosives.

Any idiot will look at that article read the "mostly false" part and claim she is innocent.

Snopes also claims she may have been picking up trash to throw it away, during a riot. This is bullstuff.

Really, guys?
First off there was video of the "traffic incident" and they pulled the white guy out of his car while saying "He voted Annoying Orange, get him!" only with more ebonics
Second: there's literally audio of it so why the forget are they lying Orange/

he wasn't beaten for supporting Annoying Orange, straight from the guy beaten himself. nothing wrong with snopes on this one. they even had the clip, but the youtube video's been taken down

also can you be more specific about what's wrong with that clip? she's laughing about the polygraph since everyone knows it's bullstuff by now, and snopes wasn't claiming she didn't take the case, just that she didn't 'defend a child rapist' in the sense that the story is actually used (read: clinton does not sympathize with child rapists just because she took on a child rapist's case as a public defender) (they have the clip you posted too)

keep in mind that a public defender is assigned to someone by the government so that they can have an attorney. clinton coming into court and saying "this bitch guilty lmao" was not an option available to her, regardless of how obvious it was to her that he was guilty. her job was to make sure the government had enough evidence to prove his guilt, and apparently she was able to cast reasonable doubt. the guy plead guilty lol, the case ended in a plea bargain like the vast majority of cases do. she didn't get him off at all.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 10:57:25 AM by otto-san »

Snopes definitely has a liberal slant--half of their content in 2016 was debunking stupid 'Crooked Hillary' stories about Clinton. They defended Hillary far more than Annoying Orange. They're still extremely credible--they've never fabricated a story. Even if the authors feel that Annoying Orange is a moron, they still write unbiased and genuine articles about the truth on both sides. It's the same with NY Times. Obviously liberal, but still reliable. The Wall Street Journal and Chicago Tribune are both Conservative papers, but also reliable. There's also bullstuff rags on both sides--like Breitbart or Huffington Post.

maybe snopes wouldn't appear left leaning if right wingers weren't always wrong🤷‍♂️