Author Topic: VCE / Relays producing errors  (Read 672 times)

Have been trying to fix this for quite a while but can't wrap my head around out, so came hoping someone better at VCE can spot the issue.

Basically, what occurs is a relay clock increases the variable, G, on brick. By clicking player can take the G's from the brick and give it to themselves. Usually works fine, and gives the correct chatmessage of "You collect X."

Every now and then you'll see it saying "You collect ." You don't actually get any of the G added to you. It's just deleted.

I have a pic of that too but can't upload it for some reason, the events below uploaded correctly though:

-Lines 6-10 shouldn't matter, just extra stuff.

I'm thinking it's something to do with collecting from the brick while a relay hits. Increasing the rate of relayhits seems to make this issue more frequent. Thoughts?

try putting the relay stuff at the bottom, after everything else.

Nope, issue still persists.