Author Topic: 10000 chickens vs. 20 T-Rexes  (Read 1302 times)

who would win?
yet another video made with ultimate epic battle simulator aka the most inaccurate but somehow hilarious simulation of things fighting each other
i died laughing

how the heck did that t-rex loving collapse from chickens

how the heck did that t-rex loving collapse from chickens
pecked to death

how the heck did that t-rex loving collapse from chickens

stab yourself with a needle about 10 million times within 10 minutes.

You'll eventually die of shock.

stab yourself with a needle about 10 million times within 10 minutes.

You'll eventually die of shock.
but t rex is big stronk reptile, pecks would do no good on his scaly flesh

stab yourself with a needle about 10 million times within 10 minutes.

You'll eventually die of shock.
they didnt even show damage they just fell over tony

they didnt even show damage they just fell over tony


what kind of idiotic trex doesn't know how to stomp around in circles

what kind of idiotic trex doesn't know how to stomp around in circles
Yeah, apparently t-rexes were known to just stand there waiting for their 'bite cooldown' to come off before attacking again.

now do t-rex vs. zelda chickens

the t-rexes actually died of a heart-attack from eating too many chicken mcnuggets