Author Topic: Annoying Orange partially rolls back cuba thaw  (Read 771 times)

On Friday, Mr Annoying Orange signed a presidential directive calling for tighter enforcement of a longstanding ban on American tourists going to Cuba.
The new policy bans most US business transactions with the Armed Forces Business Enterprises Group, a Cuban entity involved in all sectors of the economy.
However, it exempts air and sea travel, allowing US airlines and cruise lines to continue serving the island.

cuba denounces it:

other sources i stole off a insane man, possible bias warning Orange-says-hes-canceling-obamas-one-sided-cuba-deal.html Orange-announces-rollback-of-obamas-cuba-policy-1497639015 Orange-obama-opening/530568/ Oranges-cuba-policy-travel-island-48088657

and clearly this is a BIG problem for YOU

why though

I never understood what gutting regulations and anything in between does.

on a side note, his miami speech was actually quite well-spoken in relativity

I don't get why we still hold a grudge on Cuba from 1959. Christ, it's 2017, we don't need an embargo that dates back to the Cold War.

I don't get why we still hold a grudge on Cuba from 1959. Christ, it's 2017, we don't need an embargo that dates back to the Cold War.
This.  And can anyone produce any actual threats or anti-American propaganda that denounces anything more than the embargo?

They might spread their communisms into our good christian suburbs

He hasn't rolled back the important parts, which is that we still have travel and trade. Opening up to trade is partially what killed the Soviet Union, so we should be encouraged by the fact that another authoritarian communist regime is going down that road.