Author Topic: So about Iban's city RPG...  (Read 1386 times)

I have like 5 different copies of it sitting around and none of them work, what gives? Is there a command to start it or required add-ons?

It has to be running on a dedicated server or the code won’t execute, I believe.

It has to be running on a dedicated server or the code won’t execute, I believe.
I had a copy of Iban's CRPG and yes, it would only work on a dedi

I have like 5 different copies of it sitting around and none of them work, what gives? Is there a command to start it or required add-ons?
How old are they, some have been known to not work on V21 at all.
Also keep in mind that, yes, these only run on dedicated servers.

If this issue persists, then you should have someone else look at it.

It has to be running on a dedicated server or the code won’t execute, I believe.
ok thanks. locking.

been trying 2 of them on dedicated servers and they still don't work. Are there any copies of /ty's out there?

been trying 2 of them on dedicated servers and they still don't work. Are there any copies of /ty's out there?

/ty's crpg is pretty hard to find, though if anyone has it they would surely be much appreciated

/ty's crpg is pretty hard to find, though if anyone has it they would surely be much appreciated
didn't /ty's also have backdoors though?

I'm pretty certain that some edits of CRPG just flat out refuse to do anything if you don't have gravity cat's weapon pack, DWeapons or whatever the name is

Post the server.cs you're trying to execute here

I have /tys city rpg and i removed the backdoors.

I have /tys city rpg and i removed the backdoors.
can you pm it to me please?

actually i got mine working now. thanks for the support all.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 05:36:30 PM by OrangeMan² »