Author Topic: .  (Read 8695 times)

« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 11:44:16 PM by Master Matthew² »

The part where I was born with a Higher IQ, The part where I was genetically enabled to make better decisions at a younger age, I was able to live smarter, be smarter, instead of living a life of snapchat filters and tumblr posts.

does this turn you on ^^

« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 11:16:34 PM by torin² »

ewww enabling the weird people to congregate again

ewww enabling the weird people to congregate again
theres already like 3 threads dedicated to that

theres already like 3 threads dedicated to that
there's an entire forum dedicated to that.

yea exactly we shouldn't normalize the queers

yea exactly we shouldn't normalize the queers
It's not gay, not always anyway.

remember mr man we don't want to give place for more mr men to thrive

im really into holding hands and kissing

also sentient roosters

remember mr man we don't want to give place for more mr men to thrive
Who was Mr. Man?