Author Topic: Any funny stories you guys got?  (Read 1191 times)

So, earlier my friend and I played on Halo Reach and found a kid. We asked him if he ever climaxed, and he says that he is not a woman so no.

please don't ask children loveual questions... that's kinda forgeted up. borderline creepphilic grooming.

on topic: i once caught four spiders in one jar, then dubbed it Spider Jail. i'm not entirely sure if they fought to the death or not but the idea of Spiderdome was fun.

on topic: i once caught four spiders in one jar, then dubbed it Spider Jail. i'm not entirely sure if they fought to the death or not but the idea of Spiderdome was fun.

I once caught 5 wasps in a jar after shooting them with a dart gun. I fed them with honey and waited until they fully healed, and then I put a bee in there. They killed it, but the bee tried to flap it's wings while climbing ontop of the wasp.

So, naturally, I put loads of sugar in the honey. I put like 5 bees in there this time, and the wasps just passed out. So, I caught 2 more wasps and put them in there, and they were bigger than the bees, so they stabbed each of the bees in the abdomen. I thought it was cool at the time.

forgot to point out that while i was catching the bees i got stung like 7 times, the wasps i did not get stung because I had expert aiming skills with my dart gun
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 06:56:49 AM by Verification »

when i was a kid, probably 7 or 8, i was sitting in the doctor's office waiting room with my mom and i happened to notice a local newspaper sitting on the table
on the cover, there was a picture of a local middle school volleyball team, and center frame was a libero in position to receive a serve with her legs shoulder width and her arms between her legs in a V shape

i turned to my mom and went "look how stupid she looks, why does she look like that?"
she says "that's just how you look when you play volleyball"
i go "well it looks stupid, i would be really mad if someone put me on the newspaper looking so dumb"

a young girl- maybe 11 or 12- who was sitting on the other side of the table comes around to my side, kneels down, and goes "that's me!" and points to the libero in the picture
i just went "oh... cool" and sat there feeling like a loving dipstuff while she walked away. my mom was like "you should be careful about what you say around other people" and that's a lesson i haven't forgotten

my entire life is a comedy. let me sit down and recollect a bit and if i remember to ill post some moments

i have some fun adultswim stories that i never get tired of telling:

my pet rock toby was on fishcenter for a couple minutes. i called up asking if they'd help spread the good word about him and they threw him up on screen immediately lol. it apparently aired on TV too because id periodically get calls from friends after that telling me they just saw toby on adult swim

there was another time i  did some improv shenanigans on one of their live shows as a jazzy gangster. me and one of the hosts played jazzy gangsters and through my command we interrogated and beat the stuff out of the other host. he was not having it which made it even funnier

EDIT: i just remembered the day before my birthday me and a friend went up to Atlanta and drew toby faces on some of the signs outside adultswims TBS building
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 12:56:35 PM by mod-man »

we have a kid in our class who is quite posh, and he knows it, so as a joke he brought in a pocket square for his suit (we wear suits in year 11 onwards since it's a british school), somebody took it and tossed it out of the window, which is a 3rd story window, except the pocket square landed on an overhead wire, so we had to dangle someone from the window, with 3 people holding each leg, and he used a long plastic strip which covered some wires to slap the wire to make it fall down, two teachers ran in completely white, scared stuffless that we were going to drop him accidentally

in the classroom where my form are registered, somebody found 5 packs of playing cards at the back of a locker, so we emptied them and threw all 260 cards in the air, people started picking them and throwing them like magicians do. our teacher comes in and tells us to pick them up, next day, we unplug the cables from his computer, so that when he had to plug them back in, he'd have to move the 5 packs of cards to plug them back in, at lunch people sellotaped some together and covered the monitor with them, and put them in the gaps between keys in the keyboard, and that went on for a week, i snooped round that classroom the other day since i haven't been in it for a year and i found a few behind the lockers

another time, i was with a friend and i had left my bag in a second floor classroom, that conveniently has a 2 metre tall bag rack under the window of it, the window was open so i decide to start climbing the bag rack so i could jump up and climb through the window on the outside, i say to my friend who is watching "tell me if any teachers are coming", and just as a stop saying "coming" a teacher comes round the corner and smirks at me, as i'm dangling from a window

this one seemed stupid but was funny at the time, a fight was planned in a classroom to settle something, so in rush about 80 students into a tiny classroom designed for 20, all the doors are locked and the windows closed since that window faces out onto a main road, the fight starts and everybody is screaming, about 5 teachers rush up, banging on the doors, so in about 30 seconds, all 80 of us burst out of one of the doors (the classroom has 3 doors going into it) and ran down the stairs and hid in some room nobody ever goes in, the teachers still wonder what happened to this day

I once had a wet dream where I forgeted an F-86 Sabre jet. I don't even have a plane special interest.

I once had a wet dream where I forgeted an F-86 Sabre jet. I don't even have a plane special interest.
loving degenerate

i counted the amount of fidget spinner i found on a camping trip.

four of them i counted in my dreams when i was sleep

where's uncle McJob when you need him

he got mugged in the head by an actual mug and he's in the hospital. rip ; (

in third grade for halloween we had a war

a whole bunch of kids dressed up in military and scifi stuff, myself included, decided we'd go to war with the princesses and wizards

so we gathered up almost everyone on our side and went to one of the corners in the schoolyard (the yard was loving huge btw you could fit an apartment complex inside) and planned our attack: a massive charge across the playground where we'd trample our enemies.

we lined up
and then
someone gave the order

and boy did we charge
holy stuff
i saw cinderella get her tooth knocked out by master chief
anakin skywalker and obi-wan kenobi annihilated harry potter

War Is Hell

I once had a wet dream where I forgeted an F-86 Sabre jet. I don't even have a plane special interest.

please don't ask children loveual questions... that's kinda forgeted up. borderline creepphilic grooming.
Ye, it was his idea, and I really didn't wanna go with it, so he said it, tbh thought it was messed up too because he's like 25 and imo the only somewhat funny part was the response.