Author Topic: Phanto's alt-left SJW agenda.  (Read 31307 times)

My, I'm getting deja vu from what I just typed. Must be a coincidence!
the actual forget are you talking about

youre taking a drama from tony seriously take a step back and look at yourself currently
Any opinion deserves a fair and honest argument. I don't care where the opinion comes from. I'm level-headed enough to address the argument itself and not the person making it because I'm not a child. There is no legitimate political discussion here on the forums because people like you discredit the person making the claim instead of the claim itself. And it isn't only about Tony's "drama," it's more about these fake terms people use like alt-right and alt-left to defame people because of the connotation those groups have (moreso alt-right because, once again, I don't hear alt-left used much at all). It's an ace in the hole to discredit someone especially on here because everyone judges based on who said it rather than what they actually said.
the actual forget are you talking about
I implied that calling people jews to discredit them is exactly the same as calling someone alt-left or alt-right to discredit them, as was the main point I had made already. Perhaps I didn't make the connection obvious enough.

It's an ace in the hole to discredit someone especially on here because everyone judges based on who said it rather than what they actually said.

"who said it" is a better judgement on most occasions if it's a deluded person who continues to deny logic and reason

"who said it" is a better judgement on most occasions if it's a deluded person who continues to deny logic and reason
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. People grow and change everyday in relation to the things they experience in their lives. I'll agree that Tony's threads aren't typically the best of quality and I can see why people may not bother taking him seriously because of who he is and how he acts, but to me I think he still deserves legitimate responses to his claim rather than just shutting him down because Tony is Tony. Maybe it's just a difference of opinion or maybe I have the free time on my hands to post to begin with while others are more meticulous with what they do with their time.

a broken clock is right twice a day, but is it really worth checking constantly to see if it's right

I think he still deserves legitimate responses to his claim rather than just shutting him down because Tony is Tony. Maybe it's just a difference of opinion or maybe I have the free time on my hands to post to begin with while others are more meticulous with what they do with their time.
without you sperging out like a maniac back there; try and tell me why anyone would do that if tony's his followers then corner the guy that tries to argue with him and say "he's trolling you loving idiot"? don't tell me you haven't seen this happen because it's very well accepted that tony is a troll and if you respond to him it's the same stuff feeling of talking to a brick wall or have someone come in and shout at you for arguing with the forums "master" troll. it's much easier to argue someone more reputable than tony

a broken clock is right twice a day, but is it really worth checking constantly to see if it's right
Is it worth taking an old saying and examining it instead of examining the other 90% of what I posted that gives those words context? Like I said already, whether or not it's worth giving a legitimate response to people like Tony is a matter of opinion which I'm willing to argue is worth my time.
without you sperging out like a maniac back there; try and tell me why anyone would do that if tony's his followers then corner the guy that tries to argue with him and say "he's trolling you loving idiot"? don't tell me you haven't seen this happen because it's very well accepted that tony is a troll and if you respond to him it's the same stuff feeling of talking to a brick wall or have someone come in and shout at you for arguing with the forums "master" troll. it's much easier to argue someone more reputable than tony
I'd like to see what you mean by me "sperging out back there," I gave my honest thoughts on this topic and I didn't verbally assault anyone for not agreeing with me. So far in this thread no one has defended tony nor ganged up on anyone in this thread, and his "followers" are not tony himself so I don't care about them until they decide to come to me. I'm arguing with the people replying to me, Tony hasn't even bothered saying anything. Tony might be related to the argument, but he's not actually here replying to ME. My argument was that everyone deserves a fair response based on their claim and not who they are, and that using terms like alt-right, alt-left, jew, etc defame someone's character and results in their opinions being discredited because of that association. I addressed Tony's points and until he says something back there is no argument with him.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. People grow and change everyday in relation to the things they experience in their lives. I'll agree that Tony's threads aren't typically the best of quality and I can see why people may not bother taking him seriously because of who he is and how he acts, but to me I think he still deserves legitimate responses to his claim rather than just shutting him down because Tony is Tony.
tony is like the boy who cried wolf

nobody has any reason to pay him even a modicum of genuine discourse because his credibility is in the toilet

You're not good at trolling dude.

tony is a very delicate snowflake you guys should try to not hurt his feelings

tony is like the boy who cried wolf

nobody has any reason to pay him even a modicum of genuine discourse because his credibility is in the toilet
And when there actually is a wolf no one will bat an eye because you couldn't be bothered to give a fraction of your time in brown townyzing what he said and giving a fair response. You don't lose anything by taking a closer look at what he has to say besides time, and deciding whether or not that time is worth the outcome is your choice.
You're not good at trolling dude.
Great post friend, you really showed me. My whole argument is shattered thanks to your amazing contribution to the discussion! If you aren't willing to contribute to the discussion then don't bother posting.

mate i suggest taking a break and evaluating your life currently

honestly we shouldn't be surprised at this point that Tony posted a dumb drama topic and then someone else becomes the subject of drama

mate i suggest taking a break and evaluating your life currently
Refer to my last response to you and take a hike unless if you have something meaningful to say.

I'd like to see what you mean by me "sperging out back there," I gave my honest thoughts on this topic and I didn't verbally assault anyone for not agreeing with me.
alright, I can understand your frustrations with people on this forum but these two posts are filled with you lashing out at phantos and willco
I wish the jews would stop sticking their politics in internet lego forums. If Phanto had an "agenda" it would be loving meaningless because all he would accomplish is getting less than 10 kids to say, "forget drumpf and forget white people!" There simply isn't an audience large enough on the forums that would be worth taking the time to brain wash. Argue all you want on the forums about subversive bullstuff that doesn't matter that's already been talked to death about everywhere else, no one will get anything out of it. You could find a more constructive debate on loving /pol/ and that place is ACTUALLY filled with legitimate shills and falseflaggers trying to sway public opinion, because there IS an audience large enough to warrant the effort there.
"Alt-left" isn't real and neither is "alt-right." Alt-right is a term merely used to group people deemed extreme (in the sense that they can garner support easily, not necessarily radical) along with useful idiots in order to discredit their ideas and arguments. People who say they're "alt-right" is a red flag to anyone with a brain in their skull. Even national socialists are thrown under the alt-right umbrella despite sharing very few ideas. I'm assuming you're just meming with "Alt-Left" as I've never heard it used elsewhere, but it's also possible you're using that term with the same intent that I've described Alt-Right, to discredit Phanto by associating him with useful idiots (or implying he himself is a useful idiot).

Tl;dr: Even if Phanto has an actual political agenda here on the forums, it's meaningless as there isn't a large enough group to soak in his brain washing if it isn't swept away too quickly by other dumb stuff on the forums because there is no actual political discussion on the forums, just stuff-flinging and falseflag terms such as alt-right and alt-left.
What's the joke? Did you bother reading it? Or do you think that people on here actually discuss politics without meming like a god damned idiot or spewing stuff they don't understand? Do you think there's an audience on the forums worth the effort to shift their political opinions? I laid out my thoughts very clearly and you're an example of why there is no actual discussion on the forums, rather than dissecting my post and pointing out things you may not agree with and why, you choose the easy route and make my post look like a joke instead.Oh, that? It's just an agenda to rally everyone on the forums against jews, because they're responsible for all the wrong-doings on these forums. Because it's worth my time to call people jews if they don't agree with me. It's like if I called people alt-right if they don't agree with me in order to discredit their opinion. My, I'm getting deja vu from what I just typed. Must be a coincidence!
no one is going to want to argue or take a guy who lashes out so suddenly seriously, sorry to say. which is why everyone so far thinks you absolutely cannot be for real right now

So far in this thread no one has defended tony nor ganged up on anyone in this thread, and his "followers" are not tony himself so I don't care about them until they decide to come to me.
how long have you been looking at these forums? are we not talking generally here and outside this topic? because if we are then this is why no one argues tony's points. the reputation he has made for himself in those past threads with trolling and posting stupid stuff, and then having his followers come in and basically threaten the person arguing with them to back down and let tony troll will put people off and it does put people off, at this point it's not surprising no one wants to argue tony because no one can have as stupid of an opinion as this guy, he has to be trolling. it isn't surprising when less and less people on this forum argue a trolls bullstuff because it's expending energy for nothing; why should I type up a 1000 word long post towards lord tony if it isn't going to convince him anything worth stuff? this is exactly what happens when you do it, and now you're asking yourself why no one wants to argue any true "points" against tony. the fact of the matter is we are, and they're in the forum of "this drama is bullstuff because dramaing someone over political opinions is dumb". are you saying that's not valid reason to argue against tony or is that still dismissing his opinion? because I see nothing left to argue there

I'm arguing with the people replying to me, Tony hasn't even bothered saying anything. Tony might be related to the argument, but he's not actually here replying to ME. My argument was that everyone deserves a fair response based on their claim and not who they are, and that using terms like alt-right, alt-left, jew, etc defame someone's character and results in their opinions being discredited because of that association. I addressed Tony's points and until he says something back there is no argument with him.
again, not talking about this thread and quite frankly I barely care if he responds to you, but I don't agree with that on tony. he has already made a reputation for himself of being a troll who will still dismiss your entire argument with dishonest points, and I'm like a loving broken record here; but no one is going to want to waste their time and energy seriously refuting anymore points this guy has if they're all just stupid. they are not going to be "honest" with someone who isn't honest themselves

if I might be honest here; tony hasn't responded in this thread at all yet, and I don't think he will

and that using terms like alt-right, alt-left, jew, etc defame someone's character and results in their opinions being discredited because of that association. I addressed Tony's points and until he says something back there is no argument with him.
I'm gonna bite the bullet here because tony is doing this stuff too; yeah, I agree, this forum and its ability to retain stupid non-interesting political discussions that are always throwing insults back and fourth is quite frankly sickening. it's why I barely ever get involved in politics on here because it's basically all memes and insults, one side gangs up and dismisses the opinions of others, etc. and it's terrible

I'm not here to insult you, I'm just telling you as respectfully as possible why arguing with tony is fruitless to most people for reasons other than what the various groups on this forum might tell you