Author Topic: [NEWS] Gays are using Snapchat's new feature to make people straight people gay  (Read 1221 times)

apple needs to patch the so called 'gay' bug right now

Earlier in the week, reports arose nationwide that straight fathers taking innocent morning strolls or late night jaunts to the supermarket were making up missing, only to be found hours later exhausted and with spent sweat, the ‘look of homoloveuality’ raging within their eyes.

I loving lost it.

why the forget did snapchat even add this feature

you have to be kidding
there's no way they actually think that
they can't be that dumb

Quoting this important part here so that nobody misses it and is potentially endangered:

The Christian Defense League of Texas is warning straight men to turn off the location feature on their phones and to use the buddy system, checking in with a friend or colleague every hour or so in case they are the target of a gay sting.

why the forget did snapchat even add this feature

to push the gay agenda

literally fake news

literally fake news
oh thank goodness
I don't want to live on a planet where people are that dumb

homoloveuals cannot be trusted

[img ][/img]

literally fake news
alternative facts