
Why does skype/hangouts fail so much?

3 (2.3%)
MS/Google Incompetence
19 (14.5%)
MS/Google Sabotage
4 (3.1%)
ISP Sabotage
21 (16%)
Globalists turning the frogs gay
84 (64.1%)

Total Members Voted: 131

Author Topic: Why is VOIP so stuff?  (Read 5051 times)


  • Administrator
Seriously, have you ever seen a live stream or podcast involving skype/hangouts where it didn't forget up?  Without fail someone turns into a loving robot if they're not dropped from the call entirely.  Every time.  I cannot be a coincidence.  ISPs are sabotaging this stuff so people will buy their stuffty dedicated phone service. 

have you even tried discord? the voip quality is pretty outstanding

have you even tried discord? the voip quality is pretty outstanding


ISPs are sabotaging this stuff so people will buy their stuffty dedicated phone service.  
There should be a Survey asking people what their ISP is and if they have Drops in online calls.

But I can safely say that when i used VPNs and I was also using Comcast my skype calls ran better, and this was before the whole end of Net Neutrality.
Although usually my calls would drop anyway due to comcast's internet just dropping entirely.

Seriously forget comcast.


  • Administrator
have you even tried discord? the voip quality is pretty outstanding

It's not about what i'm trying it's about what everyone else is trying.  I'm trying to watch interviews and they're always a stuff show.

most voip services are pretty massive and it's counter productive to record something, stream it, and immediatly delete it 24/7 while also trying not to lose quality at all

its kinda interesting people turn into robots when youd think they'd either be connected or not. kind of amusing when you strike that balance juuuust right though and it sounds like aids skrillex using a discount cereal box voice modulator

also kind of hilarious that games from 15 years ago have better voice communication than an actual communication method

have any of you guys tried using an IP phone? those things are a nightmare to set up and use

i mean skype and hangouts both use a peer to peer type of connection. skype maybe a little different but either way using a peer to peer connection is complete ass

correct me if i'm wrong zone peer 2 peer is not meant for modern voip imo

especially skype, like wtf is even going on

it's moreso skypes way of optimizing connection speed and in the process with groups it shoots itself in the foot
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 10:12:24 PM by Nal »

ISPs are sabotaging this stuff so people will buy their stuffty dedicated phone service. 
a lot of ISPs actually just do internet phones for home phone service, which is literally voip lol

i mean skype and hangouts both use a peer to peer type of connection. skype maybe a little different but either way using a peer to peer connection is complete ass
Skype is completely centralized now, just like basically everything nowadays. Also no, in theory a p2p call shouldn't be much better or worse than something that runs though a server.

skype has gone to absolute stuff due to microsoft tomforgeterry. if you've been using skype for the past few years, you've noticed an unbelievable decline in not only the VOIP itself but the efficiency of the program as a whole. but don't worry they got the new Despicable 3 MINION emojis so there's no reason to complain.

voip is such a mess that there are automated programs that call all unprotected VOIP phones over and over and over to try to use them for free calls and w/e else they're after. even if the phone is set up to prevent calls from going out you still wind up with dozens of missed calls from the spamming

the implementations for VoIP are stuff- kompressor butts did a pretty good series of posts talking about building his own video app that goes into alot of the intrinsics (lol @ the use of torque netcode): part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4