I have been watching air crash investigation videos

Author Topic: I have been watching air crash investigation videos  (Read 610 times)

All I have to say is, boeings are really, really, bad planes, or atleast have a bad history.
Almost every video has a boeing 737 crash caused by, "fAtAl ErRoRs" or "DeSiGn FlAwS".

just cus u looked for videos on them crashing doesn't mean they're bad

boeings go to and from places all the time just fine

this kills me inside
"these videos of a very rare error means that all Boeing planes are bad"
just... ugh

All I have to say is, boeings are really, really, bad planes, or atleast have a bad history.
Almost every video has a boeing 737 crash caused by, "fAtAl ErRoRs" or "DeSiGn FlAwS".
woah it's almost like the most used aircraft in the industry has the most amount of crashes

did you forgot to check the year when the plane crashed?
because nowadays, plane crashes are rare.

Were there any big guys on board any of them?

Were there any big guys on board any of them?
if there were they would only be for you

if there were they would only be for you
well did they start any fires?

well did they start any fires?
yes, and the fire rose up