Author Topic: Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington commits Self Delete aged 41  (Read 5601 times)

Jesus loving christ. God this sucks. Meteora and Hybrid Theory still remain seminal albums to me, and hearing that he took his own life loving hurts. Rest in piece, another legend lost.

If you paid any attention, this isn't exactly out of the blue. Was it just easier to believe that someone was putting on an act to appeal to angsty teens than it is to confront the fact that they had real problems? Never blow off someone's genuine emotions as angsty melodrama like this guy's were.

a little hard hitting to read that he left behind his wife and 6 kids, RIP

a little hard hitting to read that he left behind his wife and 6 kids, RIP
ah stuff that got me :(

i dont have any sentiment attached to this dude or his work but its sad nonetheless. i meme too much.
rip in peace dude, sorry this world wasnt enough to keep you happy

The dude killed himself. Jesus christ.
People who kill themselves when they have it all should be shunned.

People who kill themselves when they have it all should be shunned.
Kurt Cobain?

Kurt Cobain?
why do you think he isn't ever mentioned on the news anymore? Why do you think people scream his name to Courtney Love?

People who kill themselves when they have it all should be shunned.
Chris Benoit?

stuffty thing is, the family doesn't get any money out of it

People who kill themselves when they have it all should be shunned.
u know the saying money doesn't buy happiness

damn, this guy was a really talented singer too
its sad, but people exaggerate how much they care just like facebook banners after every french attack - it's like some weird way to earn societal brownie points

damn, this guy was a really talented singer too
its sad, but people exaggerate how much they care just like facebook banners after every french attack - it's like some weird way to earn societal brownie points
They don't know what they have until it's dead and hanging from a ceiling fan evidently, so they want to make sure that people know they "cared" even though they probably haven't listened to a Linkin Park song unironically since 2008. It's okay to feel remorse since it is still loss of human life, but people rarely express remorse about people they don't even know without the intention to make themselves look better in the process.

The problem with your brown townysis is that people can take music very personally, and the artists that they listen to can mean a lot to them. Is it WRONG to share why you enjoyed their music and the memories you've had listening to them? I still listen to about 70-80% of all the music I've gotten into over my lifetime, music ranging from old to new. Music is something a lot of people consume on a daily basis, so it's entirely fair to have remorse for something that you enjoy being gone.