Author Topic: Regarding Danketo on Kyle!'s grappa knife  (Read 2171 times)

SO we were joking on, (me and alicia), and like you know
b a n t e r

so then I accused him of hacking (dante) coz he had some sort of aim assist and I joked about it

like 10 mins later I say 'go back to team 10' and get perma banned
srry for no pics I got perma'd then my bl crashed

oh yeah to add -

there were /no clear rules stated whatsoever/, do /rules or anything related to rules in the welcome message.
This is also to state that I did not know what was wrong or not so the lack of rules led to this occurance

you missed the part where you said you were gonna spam roblox lyrics, but ok

go 'figure' ahahahaha
ya that was a joke but I understand how I can see that is wrong

+ a permaban is way too much only badmins permaban for such minor things

not going to take you seriously

no support

srry for no pics I got perma'd then my bl crashed
yeah that sounds like something that actually happened

it did.
the pictures were provided by a friend and such

you see recently my bl has been crashing a forgetton and I am trying to find a way to fix it (probably some game or smth handicapped)

oh yeah the fact that the BLF automatically assume stuff based on their friendships and such is also dumb tbh

Get the chat logger addon.

oh yeah the fact that the BLF automatically assume stuff based on their friendships and such is also dumb tbh
No it is not, it is based on person's past. The images show that you are being an ass calling him unnecessary names. This "assumption" is not it, those images show how rude you are - I am sure the ban was not just towards him for the cause.

Oh and saying "well there is no rule" about what happened here is common sense, does not need to be a rule on that.

You never provided images in the first place so of course no one is going to attempt to believe you. Does not make sense to crash after disconnecting. If anything at least get a chat logger.