Author Topic: [noose] transgenders not allowed in military  (Read 15823 times)

« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 10:51:11 AM by Verification »

 [NEWS] United States military is not allowing mentally and physically disabled people

How is this "fake news"
It's right there on Annoying Orange's own Twitter Orange/status/890197095151546369

Because high-stress lethal environments is the perfect place for LGBT brownie points right

i put [fake news] in the title as a joke

Because high-stress lethal environments is the perfect place for LGBT brownie points right
Individuals who couldn't handle high stress environments can be weeded out individually. No need for a blanket ban on an entire demographic.

Think about women in the military. Women are, in general, less physically capable than men. But there are still women in combat positions, as some individual women can perform just as well.

Annoying Orange's tweets say they will not be allowed to serve the military in any capacity
See, y'all seem to be under the impression that "military" automatically equals "go shoot the bad guys and get shot yourself"
The reality however, is that "military" also includes tons of non-combat roles, such as nurses, cooks, maintenance, intel, IT, non-combat engineering, etc. Roles that will never see combat. Some of which never even leave the US.
To tell someone "you're not physically fit for combat, therefore you can't do those either" is silly
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 11:13:34 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

Good. Appearance is inportant and meaty transmissions in uniform dont look respectable.

I don't get it. Are you guys not happy with men dominating women in wrestling tournaments? You seriously can't draw the line at getting shot at by CIA?

Sorry but nobody wants to put their life in the hands of someone who can't figure out whether or not they want to cut off their richard and balls because of what side of the 'gender spectrum' they woke up on today.

The reason he gave makes sense though

God I hope he gets impeached soon.

God I hope he gets impeached soon.

Same. Mike Pence would've gotten this done sooner.

God I hope he gets impeached soon.
God I hope you get banned soon.