Author Topic: YouTube initiating new policies that could be disastrous for just about everyone  (Read 4992 times)

since it was removed the trending section has been filled with all these creative videos and has been a breeding ground for constructive criticism and cool videos. it really took a turn for the better

"creative" is a word for it

I mean AI cant really forget up, its programmed to follow a set of orders and will only preform those orders and nothing more. If it "forgets Up" then its probably due to crappy programming.

but anyway on topic its kinda screwed up that youtube removed petersons channel and gmail.
the whole point of ai is that it uses data it collects to make decisions. the programmers literaly dont have control of it after its running - they just tweak weights and cull data if its loving up

its why a sentient ai is so disturbing. if one does come into existence there is nothing programmers can do to stop it past shutting whatever machine it is on down. and thats assuming its a low level ai that doesnt have the capability to take over a system since the hardware is too slow for it to figure it out fast enough

essentially political videos were killing content creation big time since they automatically generate more views than anything else.

"creative" is a word for it
well it is vidme. that's as creative as you can get

online terrorism
There's something about this statement that genuinely forgets me off.

few months ago master matthew was rly into it and every other post of his was about it, so that's where that came from

All that damned Russian propaganda

matthew isnt old enough for /pol/ yet so he regurgitates most of his awful opinions from r/the_donald

hes too young to take pills

which is probably a good thing tbh

hes too young to take pills

which is probably a good thing tbh

he's too young to take pills, so he gets spoonfed from his favorite youtubers instead

This is what happens when you let liberals to control a company.

This is what happens when you let liberals to control a company.

can we just like go back to 2010/2011 when youtube wasnt complete garbage

tfw people use any bullstuff excuse to hate on liberals

tfw people use any bullstuff excuse to hate on liberals
Not all liberals are bad, however the majority of modern liberalism is authoritarian, pro-censorship, like using power to get their way and pretty much the opposite of what liberals were IMO.

Not all liberals are bad, however the majority of modern liberalism is authoritarian, pro-censorship, like using power to get their way and pretty much the opposite of what liberals were IMO.

note that if something is normal it's not newsworthy
the vast majority of the followers of any general belief like liberalism or conservatism are actually sane, you just don't ever hear about those regular people in the news

tfw people use any bullstuff excuse to hate on liberals
Shut up you milquetoast liberal