Author Topic: Robert Muller has impanelled a grand jury.  (Read 2801 times)

your avatar is loving taric

tell me how we are supposed to guess you're not gay :^)

Honestly I've been trying to change it since I got back into posting but it won't let me so I just kind of gave up

deus ex is gay megathread
"I want that wall inside me"

              ~ Deus Ex, 2017

fake news, this is a witch hunt

Honestly I've been trying to change it since I got back into posting but it won't let me so I just kind of gave up

what did you try changing it to

deus ex has been exposed

deus ex likes Big Boys and would definitely like to crack open a cold one with them

If you don't stop bullying me my mom will call your mom and you're gonna get in so much trouble
quit posting forever

Looks like someone didn't pay attention in government class
He's a communist. It's par for the course for those people not to pay attention in there.

Looks like someone didn't pay attention in government class
Kimons the perfect example of someone who tries to troll but is too stupid to actually troll anyone

Kimons the perfect example of someone who tries to troll but is too stupid to actually troll anyone
I dunno, dude. You're gettin pretty riled over some guy saying he's gonna tell your mom on you.

when the electric bills gone high
the gay boys gone bye bye

I dunno, dude. You're gettin pretty riled over some guy saying he's gonna tell your mom on you.
i'll pose this question: if someone was actually adept at trolling, wouldn't you think they could bring more heat than that?

i'll pose this question: if someone was actually adept at trolling, wouldn't you think they could bring more heat than that?
Sure, but why bother being scathing when he could make a childish joke and still piss off an adult like you? He's totally trolling, we're in agreement there. I just think your first mistake was trying to what, shout him into silence? "Never post again?" Like that's going to work? Please.

Sure, but why bother being scathing when he could make a childish joke and still piss off an adult like you? He's totally trolling, we're in agreement there. I just think your first mistake was trying to what, shout him into silence? "Never post again?" Like that's going to work? Please.
i'm pulling a page from your brothers playbook

toxicology gets away with too much and has bent people into thinking he is actually funny with the stuff he does simply by playing the charade for this long

i'm pulling a page from your brothers playbook
Then stuff dude, let me give you some pointers. Never post again is a pretty good ironic post, not even joking. The problem was that I couldn't tell you were joking because of your next post. You don't get to be ironic and serious at once, you have to choose. Otherwise, nobody can tell.

toxicology gets away with too much and has bent people into thinking he is actually funny with the stuff he does simply by playing the charade for this long
actually you're totally right. he definitely, certainly, for sure, tricked people into thinking he was funny. he physically implanted those thoughts into people's heads. im putting a stop to this. brb