Author Topic: My School is Dedicating a Whole School Day to the Upcoming Eclipse  (Read 1790 times)

So on Monday, my ENTIRE school will be learning about the eclipse coming up. And for the last two hours (or periods if you call it that), we'll be going out to our football field to see it happen. We'll be receiving free glasses as well to see it without, you know, burning our eyes out. What do you guys think of this?

i see no issue in letting students observe a rare astronomical event

that's pretty neat
my school probably would of never done something like that. They'd just be like "NAH YOU CAN WATCH FROM THE 2 TINY WINDOWS THAT ARE IN THE CLASSROOM"

it's cool that 21st is my birthday, too bad the eclipse won't be visible in europe

for me school starts on the eclipse so forget that

my school starts on the eclipse day and as far as i know they have nothing planned

Consider yourself privileged. Our school is just extending the day by an hour, not sure if the last period is an hour more or if each class is like 8 minutes longer.

Fortunately my parents are taking me out for the day to drive to the path of totality :)

our school (florida of all forgetin' places) decided to give us a free pass.

so the day of the eclipse, you don't even have to go

Our school is just extending the day by an hour

My school is extending the day by only half an hour

don't look at the uv rays.

My classes start that day, I don't know the time schedule but I may briefly dip for it if I have to lmao

forget, no firebending for me.

my sister's school is making them stay half an hour late (for "safety") and not letting them go outside for it