Author Topic: BL_ID 39468, Extreme child enthusiasm and abuse to others.  (Read 9173 times)

WARNING: Before you read this topic, I advise you to know that this has a extreme amount of content people might not take lightly or may sicken them in any way, I myself when looking closely at this have convulsed 3-5 times raking in information, and 1 during the writing of this post. Viewer discretion is advised.

BL_ID 39468, also referred as InnocentSovietUnion at his time of name in blockland has been around for awhile assumed by his ID. This person is indespicable in many ways and violates human and gender rights, im not trying to be all soccer mom on this, but this person literally violates human rights. You may have seen this person host things such as: DayZ RP, DayZ, DO NOT JOIN, Slave RP, and other names that are related into a Roleplay category. I have no offense over the fact this person roleplays, but what he does.

I first joined blockland under the user FlyingAceKid, and yes, if any of you wondering why I backed myself up when I made that stuffpost on the Drama page and Timestamp questioned my purity, its the exact same reason why I didnt reveal the hidden identity until now, ill explain this later.

Any of you wondering about the drama including the DDoS threat, yes, I did do it and I was proud of it, i was poking with InnocentSovietUnions emotions. How I pulled this off, I was still underlying the identity of FlyingAceKid, and after many arguments and being pushed around, I went and threatened to do a denial of service attack onto the server to poke with this guys emotions. The server was on a cringy lab roleplay at the time (if your stupid enough to believe i was actually threatening to ddos the server then you are a literal dumbass). I of course, got banned permanently, however one of Innocents 'erp buddies' begged me to not launch this fake attack torwards the server, actually believed me, The persons name was TheRulerOfTheThird (his/her steam, raiding is appreciated: ) , and was one of Innocent's close friends that was only a toy for Innocent's erosticity. I said 'unban me and i wont do it', so Ruler which was a super admin unbanned me. I joined and continued to poke Innocent's ego for awhile until ruler stopped unbanning me and i gave up. I got some nasty PM's on steam by both of them (which i cannot recover after blocking/unfriending both of them) and was threw away. 'Why did you do this?' You may be asking the same question i put here, and ill explain.


Innocent loves to ERP in his servers, is a homoloveual (nothing against lgbt but also backing up the topic), he infact remarked in steam and his group (NOTE: Innocent deleted the announcement, but it was him announcing his homoloveuality etc), (link provided: also if you want Innocents steam here it is: When I first joined this mans server, it was all normal, it was a DayZ roleplay, although nothing like dayz had combat, modded guns and alot of decent stuff that i could appreciate, that is, until i found something that literally almost made me vomit: There was this little college or building supposedly with lockers and whatnot, and had a gym. One of the rooms had this machine which i did not know what did, was evented with modded events to change the players character into a really stupid ugly thing of a creature female, yes, Innocent was into a kink which is going rampant in Deviant art and other social media sites about transgender transformation and whatnot and i then, got extremely sick to my stomach and had a acid reflex following a convulsion in the WC. Along with that, this person also was into slavery and ERP, me questioning everything that was going on looked into it closer by standing on the server for awhile. It was indescribable along with the fact that most of the models on the map were repetitively stolen, duplicated overexcessively, and had a overused set of modter. Oh wait, theres more. This person also asks TheRulerOfTheThird for 'pictures' in steam chat, ruler aka vkapustin/krokodile providing links to art consisting of nudity or slavery or transgender topics. I was real sick of this, only hanging around to see what else these people had to offer.

This person also has an extreme amount of aliases, due to:

A quick BL_ID lookup proves how rediculous this is (page strech)

He really enjoys playing as the opposite gender of his ingame too, like the snowflake he is.

Not to mention, he also has a Byond account i siphoned some stuff from. Whats Byond, you may ask? Its a really shoddy engine but exused for the fact the wonderful and glorious game called Space Station 13 is ran on. Space station 13 is awesome, look it up sometime.

Anyways, heres a little snippet of what this persons Byond has to offer.

Not only is the name ambiguous enough, it proves how much this person craves this kind of filth.

On his nano empires hosted only once or twice, its also proven he is very compelled by the national socialist takeover, along with facism, the Reich, and other content that shouldnt be replicated in any form, along with the fact that jews, animals, and humans, along with polish lives and europe/americans lost their lives and loved ones, which he enjoys, I guess.

There is way more to tell, but to make this straight forward, i think this person needs a revoke, please, if Badspot or any administrators see this, please react to this poll i will link, i would also like you readers to vote on my strawpoll for the assistance of getting this person revoked, this needs to happen:

Thank you for reading, and if you voted on the poll i would like to thank you for helping get rid of these people who cause a racket and make the Blockland community non-toxic and enjoyable.

Please, if you can, share this with clan members, friends, or anyone who plays blockland to help this happen. We need your support.

NOEDIT: Thanks Spartan for supporting the cause by attacking the group, it means alot

danna has been doing this for years now

danna has been doing this for years now

still this is serious and i think this needs a revoke and it needs it now

noedit but forget you for encouraging raiding regardless of who it is

noedit but forget you for encouraging raiding regardless of who it is

honestly not trying to be a douche and defend myself on this, but raiding IS wrong, but what im saying is that this person is pretty indespicable and through all i had to tolerate this stuff i described here barely scraped the barrel and this needs to be dealt with with unconventional or normal means

is this the same -danna- person who hosted slave rps?

is this the same -danna- person who hosted slave rps?

did you even read the post

telling people to raid someones profile? the forget is wrong with you?
this drama also never gave any proof he had made "human rights violations"

is this the same -danna- person who hosted slave rps?
You may have seen this person host things such as: DayZ RP, DayZ, DO NOT JOIN, Slave RP, and other names that are related into a Roleplay category.

OT: /nosupport. The raiding part was unnecessary.

The only reason I would give any support here is their fascination with slavery, national socialists, etc. I mean, this guy loves anything America /supposedly/ stands against

I think that the obsessions could be credited to "that awkward stage where you become obsessive with weird things", which I can honestly say I've been through. However, it only lasted for 6 months. I feel like 3(+) years is a little too long for a stage like what I described.

btw raiding isnt cool, hence only 1/2 support


They've tried to force me to release private add-ons and builds that I didn't want to give out by threatening to permaban me from their server(s).
They've tried to force friends of mine to hate on me since I have 'pissed them off' by just existing.
They're a tribal person as seen by their Slave RPs, when they roleplayed as national socialist officers and SS guards and gassed blacks and jewish people.

i just remembered
i was admin on this guy's server

When you are such a sperg that you decide that raiding is ok if you hate that person. /nosupport