Author Topic: Youtube's "Limited state" is now live.  (Read 6919 times)

Don't lie to us, you're only turning a blind eye to this exceptionally unacceptable behavior because it falls in line with your politics.

If it were the other way around you would be flipping stuff.

Don't lie to us, you're only turning a blind eye to this exceptionally unacceptable behavior because it falls in line with your politics.

If it were the other way around you would be flipping stuff.
i dont think hate speech falls into line with any politics. if 'dont be an starfish' is a political ideology you bet i'm all for it, and you bet i dont give a literal stuff if the owner of the site decides what to do with their site that they have legal ownership over

If it were the other way around you would be flipping stuff.
if youtube was censoring every video except the ones telling you to shoot all cia mondays on sight, you'd bet people would be seriously upset. luckily its the other way around

consider it quality control
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 08:35:34 PM by PhantOS »

i dont think hate speech falls into line with any politics. if 'dont be an starfish' is a political ideology you bet i'm all for it, and you bet i dont give a literal stuff if the owner of the site decides what to do with their site that they have legal ownership over
You have no idea what the hell is going on, get the hell out of your bubble and take a look at reality.
Random people are getting demonetized because their AI flags anything that remotely falls into their guidelines, regardless of context or anything.
But if you still think that's hate speech, then forget off to your safe space.
if youtube was censoring every video except the ones telling you to shoot all cia mondays on sight, you'd bet people would be seriously upset. luckily its the other way around

consider it quality control
PhantOS: yo let me rearrange reality and make an argument that makes no sense in the actual forgetin' context.

You have no idea what the hell is going on, get the hell out of your bubble and take a look at reality.
Random people are getting demonetized because their AI flags anything that remotely falls into their guidelines, regardless of context or anything.
But if you still think that's hate speech, then forget off to your safe space.
random people get forgeted by ai always. it always happens and it always has happened. it's something called 'machines aren't able to tell when they make a mistake' and luckily there's a solution called customer service.

you just realizing this now is part of some counterculture free speech high horse movement which gets all its entitlement from destroying the reputation of free services as long as it furthers your political agenda. we already saw how eager you were when people vandalized shia labeouf's property in the name of 'kek' or whatever loving bullstuff you suck richard for

you show no regard for businesses whatsoever, which is like the least conservative thing i've seen thus far. you just think that if someone has their youtube account revoked because they were cursing 20 times a second that youtube has suddenly gone sjw mode, and like, ignore the truth that companies like coke and stuff are at fault for pulling out ad money
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 08:45:04 PM by PhantOS »

-matthew pooping his diaper and fapping to it-
do you actually READ his arguments or do you just skim and spew?

I hope this will serve as a nice reminder to a lot of folk still on the fence about youtube careers - DONT DO IT

You'll have a more consistent paycheck working street corners than trying to play ball with youtube's advertisement campaign

I hope this will serve as a nice reminder to a lot of folk still on the fence about youtube careers - DONT DO IT

You'll have a more consistent paycheck working street corners than trying to play ball with youtube's advertisement campaign

This just makes me wonder how the forget youtube manages to make money off of ads because it seems like all the popular people get demonetized one way or another
Is it forgetin WatchMojo?

Never underestimate the young child demographic

Is it forgetin WatchMojo?
- uploads 5 videos a DAY
- no swearing
- basically a company

watchmojo is the ultimate depression cure