Author Topic: I start college tomorrow, what do  (Read 1926 times)

Starting my freshman year of college tomorrow. Any tips or things I need to know?

Started my freshman year of high school today. Just do your work and keep your act together and you should do well.

Drink as much as you possibly can

enjoy it, you'll like it more than high school and put in the effort

make as many friends as humanly possible, you're gonna want the connections when it comes to things like housing

Get good grades
make as many friends as humanly possible, you're gonna want the connections when it comes to things like housing
and dont piss off class just cause it seems easy

be the man you were meant to be

Don't neglect your work even if you do well on tests

Don't neglect your work even if you do well on tests

if you're doing STEM, the homework will basically make up most of the test

First off: What kind of college are you going to? Community, State, University?
Second: What are you majoring?
Third: Are you going because you want to go, or because your parents want you out?

Don't be that guy blowing 60 grand to be in college for something they dont want to do. It doesn't just waste your time and money, but everyone elses time and money too.

First off: What kind of college are you going to? Community, State, University?
Second: What are you majoring?
Third: Are you going because you want to go, or because your parents want you out?

Don't be that guy blowing 60 grand to be in college for something they dont want to do. It doesn't just waste your time and money, but everyone elses time and money too.
Community, though I'm going to a state university for my junior and senior college years. I'm majoring in IT Networking, and yes, I do actually want to go

Community, though I'm going to a state university for my junior and senior college years. I'm majoring in IT Networking, and yes, I do actually want to go

Okay, thats the best way to do it. I stared at community college and worked my way into a University, but I cant tell you how many stuff teir kids had mom and dad pay for their way in to just piss their college time away. It literally devalues my degree in comparison.

At least from a basic starting starting point you'll have time to adjust to college style.

My things to look out for are: Professors are not "teachers". They're Professors
Professors are NOT obligated to remind you about due dates. (Some nice ones will) So keep a tight schedule book. I time planner is nice
Do your work early. stuff always happens when you wait to the last damn second.
There are less stuffheads in your classes since college grade courses are not mandatory. Everyone's paying to be there!
DO NOT ENGAGE the SOCIAL WARRIORS. They do exist, and the campus common grounds are their breeding grounds. No good comes from it