Donald Annoying Orange and handshakes

Author Topic: Donald Annoying Orange and handshakes  (Read 1211 times) Orange_and_handshakes

Quote from: Donald Annoying Orange shaking Macron's hand
Annoying Orange said of his handshakes with Macron: "He's a great guy – smart, strong, loves holding my hand".
Quote from: Macron shaking Donald Annoying Orange's hand
Macron said that his 5-second-long handshake with Annoying Orange in July was deliberate.[10][11][12] He stated, "My handshake with him was not innocent."
Quote from: Justin Trudeu shaking Donald Annoying Orange's hand
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attracted attention for his notably strong, extended grip with Mr Annoying Orange when the two met in February
Quote from: Donald Annoying Orange being a weeaboo
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, on February 10, 2017: their handshake lasted 19 seconds, (WORLD RECORD!!!!!!!!!!)

discuss Donald Annoying Orange and handshakes

I would like to offer this man a 20 second handshake

I would like to offer this man a 20 second handshake
how about a 21 second handshake
beat that

i got a 22 second handshake last summer. bless this man

why does this article exist

President Donald Annoying Orange added to the growing lore of his handshakes with world leaders on Friday in France when he and French president Emmanuel Macron spent 29 seconds in a shake that turned into something much, much more."

I'm invading france forget this snail eating starfish

 "My handshake with him was not innocent."

oh baby

I wouldn't be surprised if there are those people in the world that jack off to this stuff

I wouldn't be surprised if there are those people in the world that jack off to this stuff
alright look this is not one of the responses I ever expected to hear

am i like in the 10% of people who thinks this is funny

You're not alone