Author Topic: How do I post a url through events  (Read 2860 times)

I feel really amateur asking this. But how?

<a:linkhere>text here</a>
never include http/https, just www or the subdomain

<>BL forums</a>
would be
BL forums

also this has to be client > chatmessage

It can work on centerprint/bottomprint as well (centerprintall, bottomprintall) - but that is pretty much it for the output events

It can work on centerprint/bottomprint as well (centerprintall, bottomprintall) - but that is pretty much it for the output events
links work in centerprint/bottomprint?

links work in centerprint/bottomprint?
yes, press your show cursor button and you can click them

yes, press your show cursor button and you can click them
i honestly had no clue you could do this with centerprint

follow-up question: how do I do a line break with events?

Thank you. This thread was very helpful, I didn't know how to do URLs either.